The 100th anniversary of the First Bektashi Congress was commemorated in Prishta. The bust of grandfather Kamber Prishta was inaugurated

A special activity took place on Friday, January 15, 2021, in Prishta, Skrapar, from the Bektashi Holy See in the framework of the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the First Bektashi Congress of Prishta. The coincidence of these activities with the continuation of many others, in the “Year of Naim Frashëri” (May 25, 2020- May 25, 2021), announced by the Presidency, was accompanied by full precautions by the Holy See and the Dedelik of Skrapar. In this activity, participated and greeted the Bektashi World Grandfather, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, coming from the Holy See in Tirana, clerics and believers of the Dedeliks of Skrapar and other Dedeliks, residents of the area, kind friends, etc. .
The activity that started at 11:00 of this day, in addition to the traditional rites, included two important moments: Placement of the memorial plaque at the entrance of the tekke building, as the venue of the First Bektashi Congress of Prishtina and the inauguration of the bust of dede Kamber Prishta, the clergyman with important religious and patriotic contributions in Prishtina, the Dedeliks  of Skrapar and in the role of the Bektashi World Leader.
In the presence of those present, the memorial plaque with the inscription, “In the Holy Tekke of Prishta, 100 years ago, was held the First Bektashi Congress (January 14-17, 1921)”, was unveiled by the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Haji Dede Edmond Brahimaj.
Next, Dede Edmond Brahimaj, accompanied by Zalo Qato, Skrapar’s Dedelik secretary, discovered and cut the ribbon inaugurating the bust of the cleric Kamber Prishta.
In these ceremonies, the World Grandfather, Dede Edmond Brahimaj greeted. Among other things, he said: “… I am very happy that today in your presence, I unveil the memorial plaque commemorating the 100th anniversary of the First Bektashi Congress of Prishta, an important religious and national drive, as well as the inauguration of the bust of the clergyman dede Kamber Prishta.
These events are also important because they take place in the framework of the “Year of Naim Frashëri” (May 25, 2020-25 May 2021).The Prishta Tekke where the First Bektashi Congress was held, carries in its history, many and many glorious episodes of unwavering faith in God, but also of love for these lands. The clerics who served there like father Tahiri, father Xhaferi, father Ahmeti, father Shabani, father Hysejni, father Kamberi, father Ali Turabiu, as well as dozens of others, were able to keep the apprentice of Haxhi Bektash Velit, scattering light and faith even in the most difficult times of our country. That light, that faith, kept burning in the hearts of all, the great love, the great lesson that only with a rifle and a pen  we can save the motherland.
Therefore, the appreciation for these clergy will be inexhaustible in our path of Hak.
Thank you and bless you all, and your families!Good bless you! Amin! ”

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