The Phonoteca of the Bektashi World Seat investigates, collects, elaborates, and saves different musical materials as Nefese, Gazele, Ilahi, Divane, Mevlude etj, belonging to the Bektashi tarikat since its origin. During the centuries, the great creator – the people,  has reflected through its verses and poetries, pieces from its eon history, has expressed its feelings, of joy and sorrow, has expressed its inner world of  belief.  We can see that better at the topics of the songs, bektashi Nefeses and Gazelle, where an important place occupy the compositions for the Fatherland, the efforts of the people for Freedom and Independence, for the Albanian language with the device “There is no Faith without Fatherland”. The bektashi believers where the first ones to support the prophetic saying for national independence. The bektashi Nefeses and  Gazele are very early. Their authorship is connected to the great names of the anthology of the foreign and Albanian bektashi as Ynus Emre (1241-1320), Virani Sultan, Fuzuli, Naim Frashëri, Dalip Frashëri, Hasan Zyko Kamberi, Jusuf Myzyri, Ibrahim Hasnaj etj.
Today in Phonoteca is worked  for the investigation and collection of the new materials by setting them to music and preparing them for edition. It is worked for the registration, digitalizing and their systematization on scientific basis.