120th anniversary of the founding of the tekke of Ngraçies- Mallakastër (1900-2020)

Today, November 21, 2020, in the premises of the tekke of Ngraçies-Mallakastër, was commemorated the 120th anniversary of the founding of this tekke. On this occasion, in this commemorative event, participated clergymen, myhibs and local believers, from Mallakastra and all of Albania. To this activity is also dedicated the greeting of the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj: In the name of God, the Merciful, the Most Merciful! Dear believers and clerics of Mallakastra! Dear benefactors and friends of the Ngraçie ​​tekke! The blessed day of the Pilgrimage in the tekke of Ngraçanj, gives me the opportunity to wish you and your families: Good luck and prosperity! Fathers and dervishes of that tekke, may you always be near in your joys and sorrows! Of course, at such memorial events, it is good to be together, not only to honor the memory of the clergy who served with such sacrifices but also to talk to one another, to weep, to gather and sing together, to emerge from the courtyards of the hopeful tekkes in the times we spend. But in the conditions of this world pandemic, in the when it is worth to be prudent and rigorous in the implementation of all the measures of the health protocol, it remains for us to wish each other at a physical distance and to pray to the Most High God to give us will and hope to overcome the situation. The Tekke of Ngracia, founded in the last decade of the 19th century by Father Nuriu and raised and decorated with pan by other dervishes and fathers, has played a major role among generations of believers, conveying first of all the message of great that the Bektashi tariqat never separated the teachings of Haxhi Bektash Veliu from the fates of the nation. This tariqat, within the great family of Islam, has known that through the wise and prudent word, it nourishes its followers and lovers, with the love of God, of the homeland, of the spiritual and biological family. Father Nuriu himself received and escorted in his tekke, fighters of Ngraçija and Mallakastra, who participated with weapons in hand, as in 1912 when independence was declared by Ismail Qemali, as well as in the War of Vlora in 1920, together with the tekke of Çërrila, Çorrush, Drizar, Kremar, Kuta, Kapaj, Greshica, Hekal, Hambaraj, as well as some dervishes, the tekke of Ngraçie would play its noble role and mission, spreading  Bektashi hope and wisdom and caused the Mallakastriots at all times, to reveal the most valuable traditions of their forefathers and to enrich them. In 1967, when the previous regime closed all places of worship, with the idea that it would extinguish the belief in God itself. But the believers of the tekke of Ngraçie, like all the Bektashis around Albania, secretly and sincerely, went again to the tyrbe of their fathers, and guarded them without turning off the light the apprentice of Haxhi Bektash Veliu. They dared and so when the day of rebuilding the tekkes, tyrbe and other magnificent objects, of which we are proud today, was delayed. Surely we have a lot of work to do and I believe that with the help of God, believers brothers and sisters, we will achieve everything in the days to come. God bless you all! Amin! Bektashi World Grandfather, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj “.