Exhibition “Mother Teresa, the Albanian saint”

Under the special care of Mr. Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania, the General Directorate of Archives and the Agency for Dialogue and Co-Government opened the exhibition “Mother Teresa, the Albanian saint”

One of the original manuscripts of Mother Teresa with passages in Albanian is exhibited in COD.

In this exhibition was also present the World Grandfather, His Grace Haxhi Dede Edemond Brahimaj.

The exhibition opened today at COD on the eve of the anniversary of her consecration, contains three manuscripts, of three letters addressed to Ramiz Alia, with the aim of the arrival and opening of her mission in our country, in one of which Mother Teresa writes Albanian, which dispels doubts expressed by certain scholars, turned into banal arguments, regarding the first and mother tongue of Mother Teresa, according to whom she has never written in Albanian.