Pilgrimage to the “Holy Place”, Sarisalltik, Shkëlzen- Tropoja

Bismilahi Rrahmani Rrahim!
In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful!
Dear brothers and sisters, the honored pilgrim of Shkelzen, which is associated with the Good Place of Remembrance of Sari-Salltik!
In the European religious history and only the Balkan one, there are thousands of ideas, thoughts and discoveries of the Sari-Saltik traces. In a free nation and society as we are today, each of us chooses and joins those ideas that seem closer to reality.
But meanwhile, I agree with dozens of Muslim scholars who have researched this figure and come to the conclusion that Sari Salltiku has been a personality who miraculously identifies with humanism, peace and human brotherhood, as he remains a sworn enemy of tyranny of oppression, anarchic systems and injustice. The truth is that wherever his foot stepped, regardless of historical realities or myths, he took root and the tree of religious and human love grew. If the name of this Bektashi saint, for centuries, has crossed the borders of the Danube to go as far as Siberia, this shows exactly the essence of the goodness he spread through faith and word.
This blessed place in the heart of the Gjakova Highlands, has gathered around the natural wonder, Albanians of our entire North. Eternally they have come here, have bowed with respect to the bounties of Sari-Salltik, have sought the sun in the dark days of history, have sought hope in the days of mourning. It has been a short period of time, almost a century since our northern believers split. God willing, with the help of the Liberation Army and the United States of America, Kosovo threw away the hated Serbian regime, becoming the god of its own destinies. From that day until eternity, the believers of the Gjakova Highlands and all Albanian lands will rejoice together in the festivals of good places, because we are one nation and one blood.
God bless you all!