National consultations of the Department of Women and the Department of Youth of IRCA take place

In preparation for the participation of the Interreligious Council of Albania in the X World Assembly of "Religions for Peace", which will be held in Lindau, Germany in August this year, consultations were held today in Tirana, on June 20, of the Department of Women and the Department of Youth of IRCA.
At the last meeting of the Board of the Presidency held in April 2019, the decision was made to establish the Department of Women and the Department of Youth in the Interfaith Council of Albania, whose representatives gathered today in their first meeting in one of the halls of Plaza Hotel in Tirana.
After their presentation on behalf of the five religious communities, coordinators of the IRCA the Secretary General of the Interfaith Council of Albania Dr. Genti Kruja, spoke about the topic of interfaith coexistence in Albania and then in a plenary session presented the topics of the X World Assembly of "Religions for Peace" and its 50-year history, as the largest world organization in the field of peace and dialogue, accredited by the UN.
In the second plenary session, Mrs. Sheldiana Jano, member of the Executive Board of KNFSH explained the five topics, which will be discussed in the Assembly and then the representatives of the Department of Women and the Department of Youth, during a workshop divided into five groups with representatives from different religious communities , have discussed these topics, issuing some important recommendations and suggestions, which will be sent to the assembly on behalf of the Interfaith Council of Albania