Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, today 8-year World Leader of Bektashism

Today, is a day marked for millions of Bektashis around the world, since 8 years ago, the famous cleric Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj was elected to the highest office of this order, that of the World Leader of Bektashism. At the same time, on this day marked not only for the Bektashis, but also for benefactors, leaders of religious faiths in Albania and the world, senior state leaders and ordinary people, express to Dede Edmond Brahimaj, the best wishes for health and longevity, in his noble mission at the head of the Bektashi community, to increase faith in God, for more love, peace, kindness and respect for one another, regardless of faith, nationality, gender, race or social status.
May 11, 2011, marks the beginning of His maximum commitment to further the projects launched by myrshidi Dede Reshat Bardhi. As a student of Dede Reshati, Grandfather Edmond Brahimaj, not only completed the realization of these projects, the construction of the odeon in the Holy See, tekkes and tombs throughout the country and beyond, but also marked a number of other achievements in spreading the Bektashi faith, increasing the ranks of believers, delivering messages of unity, religious coexistence, peace and goodness. Beyond a wish, this anniversary is not only a day of balance of achievements, but also a day of reflection for more efforts in the future, in the bright path of Haxhi Bektash Veliu.
World Leader of Bektashism
Cleric Dede Edmond Brahimaj was elected as the Bektashi World Leader after the death of Dede Reshat Bardhi, one of the well-known personalities of Bektashism in over 800 years of his existence, who, among other things, has the special merit of reviving the faith. Bektashis and objects of this faith, after the political changes of 1990 in Albania. Dede Edmond Brahimaj was elected President of the Bektashi World Community, on 11.06.2011. This decision states, among other things: “Pursuant to Article 21 of the Statute of the Bektashi World Headquarters dated 26.07.2009 as amended and approved by Court Decision No. 4760/1 dated 22.12.2009, the High Judicial Council, in cooperation with the Council Clergyman, gathered today on 11.06.2011 in the premises of the Bektashi World Headquarters, decided "1-Election of Haxhi Baba Edmond Brahimaj, in the position of President of the World Bektashi Community… ..".
Commitment to Bektashism
If one of the important achievements of these years of the management of the Bektashi Holy See by His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, would be mentioned, we would mention the contribution given towards the strengthening of religious coexistence in Albania and communities abroad, where Bektashis work and live, the Holy See's growing reputation in state chancelleries in Europe, Asia and the USA; the restoration of a part of the Bektashi property as well as the constant messages of peace, love and kindness, in the fight against the manifestations of terrorism and any other evil in this life. From 1992 onwards, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj has participated in various trainings of prestigious international organizations, doctrinal courses, symposia and various activities of religious, human, social character, where he has referred, leading to them the voice and experiences of Bektashi communities in the World. In 1996 he referred to Tehran regarding Bektashi tolerance in the Balkans. On June 14, 2003, at the International Conference "Religions and Civilizations in the New Millennium", he spoke about the challenges of Bektashism in the future. In June 2004, as one of the representatives of the traditional Albanian religious communities, he visited the White House in the USA. He went to the US through the US Department of State and the US Embassy in Albania, to recognize religious diversity in the US. He had a special relationship with the Bektashi Dedelik in Detroit, USA, in the Baba Rexhepi Tekke, an important center of Bektashism, which became the main center of Bektashism during the prohibition of religion in Albania and participated in various activities. in this dedelik. Holds the title "Ambassador of Peace". He has participated several times in the August 16 celebrations in Haxhi Bektash, Turkey, where he was received by senior leaders of the Turkish state and the Haxhi Bektash Veliu Institute at Gazi University in Turkey. He was present and contributed with his lectures in various activities in Tirana, Skopje, Pristina, Ohrid, Istanbul, Ankara, Afiyon, Stuttgart, Cologne, etc. ax Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj has received many thanks and high considerations from the governments of Albania, Macedonia, civil society, etc. The diplomatic corps accredited in Skopje has highly praised Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj as a clergyman with a significant contribution, especially in the fields of interfaith relations and coexistence and as promoters of Albania's values as a model country in the world in these fields. Under the auspices of Dede Edmond Brahimaj, in March of this year took place the important international event, the third in a row, "Naim Days" in Paris.