25th anniversary of “Wisdom” Magazine. The President of the Republic, Ilir Meta praised the role and contribution of the Bektashi magazine “Wisdom” with the title “Naim Frashëri”

December 20, 2018. Today, under the special care of the World Leader of the Bektashis, His Grace Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, was held the event dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Magazine "Wisdom", held at the Hotel "Tirana International" in the presence of The President of the Republic of Albania, H.E. Ilir Meta, who, welcoming this activity, praised the role and contribution of the Bektashi Magazine "Wisdom" with the title "Naim Frashëri".
Also present at this event were the head of the Albanian Muslim Community, Haxhi Skënder Bruçaj, many clerics and believers.

At the beginning, the greeting speech was given to the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, who, among other things, said:
… Let me first thank you for your participation in this significant jubilee that is directly related to the only religious, social and artistic magazine, "Wisdom", the official organ of the Bektashi World Headquarters. Personally, I pray that the Most High God will take care of you, not only for the religious devotion you confess, but also for the respect for the proverb that works miracles! I believe that all of us who are in this room know very well that a quarter of a century ago, the environment in which this magazine was born was not so warm and enthusiastic. And it was natural that we came from a regime that not only forbade the word of God, but anathema, hurt, imprisoned and shot all those who proclaimed His word, immortal and omnipotent. The Bektashi believers, along with their spiritual leaders, as well as those Sunnis, Catholic and Orthodox Christians, despite clashing with the most paranoid laws and attitudes of atheism, still lost neither hope nor orientation. Their qiblah was and remained, the secret love for the Creator, for each other. Our religious solidarity overcame the ridiculous obstacles of the regime. But even in such situations, the word of Haxhi Bektash Veliu, the legacy of whole generations of dervishes and Bektashi fathers, the excellent history of our tariqat, should be brought to light, should be made known and should be respected not just as a heritage, but as an incalculable contribution to the challenges that awaited us. The publication of the first issue of Wisdom was sanctioned by the Sixth Bektashi Congress, held in Tirana in July 1993, with the participation of Bektashi representatives from almost 18 countries. But I personally remember the care of the clergy such as: father Neki Çaushaj, father Bajram Mahmutaj, father Sherif Canaj, father Selim Kaliçani, who, under the spiritual guidance of uncle Reshat Bardhi, with the spirit of kindness and traditional Bektashi wisdom, blessed him since in the cradle of this magazine, wishing her good luck on the saponified journey. In this quarter-century journey, the magazine "Wisdom" has devotedly adhered to the spirit with which it was blessed, becoming interpreters of the ideas, views and tendencies of our Holy See, whose mission and responsibility transcends the boundaries of Balkans and Europe, and even goes so far, near the communities of Bektashi believers in Canada, Australia and the United States. Through this spirit, she brought to her pages the most important developments of Bektashism, shedding light in particular on the emblematic tradition of our 800-year-old sect. This magazine has tried and continues to try not to see the customary code and early traditions and treat them as museum relics, but as a natural embodiment of them in accordance with the conditions and time we are going through. Thus, the universal values ​​of Bektashism come to be enriched from year to year and from one generation of believers to another. Meanwhile, it is worth remembering for all of you that "Wisdom" in these 25 years, has given its valuable contribution in the context of the Albanian interfaith dialogue, or in that rare process of today's world, which His Holiness, Pope Francis described it in Tirana as a "religious brotherhood." In the pages of this magazine have taken a deserved place prominent figures of the clergy whether Catholic, Catholic, Orthodox or evangelical, who have served God and the nation, through a strong sense of religious brotherhood. I am pleased to mention today in this speech, the contribution of the first two editors-in-chief, Hysen Ibrahimi and Kujtim Ahmataj, who made it possible for the magazine "Wisdom" to have its face, of universal Muslim love and mercy, to have the voice of the venerable Bektashi clerics, to have the very life of our tekkes around the world. As I take this opportunity to thank today's editor-in-chief, Mr. Syrja Xhelaj, who from 2004 until today, for 14 years without interruption, has made it possible to give "Wisdom" not only the pride of the faith we represent, doctrinal conversational spaces, but also pure intellectual thought, always conveyed under a peaceful gaze. The help of Mr. Nuri Çuni, Kujtim Boriçi, Jetmir Bodini, as well as dozens of collaborators of our magazine, have undoubtedly made "Wisdom" respected and loved by every reader. "

Afterwards, the floor was given to the journalist Syrja Xhelaj, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Wisdom", who, among other things, emphasized: "Today, the auspicious jubilee of the publication of" Wisdom ", offers for all of us, a sea ​​of ​​waves of wonderful feelings, already turned into a tide of memories. People need memories, just as they need air. "Wisdom" magazine, in every point of view, is the quintessence of a quarter of a century full of sacrifices, within which time, with its stubbornness, tested not only the Bektashi Holy See here in Tirana, but the very existential breathing of our scattered tariqat today in more than 31 countries across the continents where the faith is practiced. In the ’90s of the last century, we first had to rebuild the faith, hit for life or death by the atheist quagmire. We had to open windows to look far, far away from the sad reality we lived in, perhaps for those spaces where for years we had joined our senses with the wings of birds. It is in this context that Wisdom magazine takes on its historic mission. I imagine with a strange clarity, a cold December evening in 1993, that while the fire in the cafeteria of the Patriarchate was being extinguished, the sparks of a worry were lit. What would this Bektashi magazine be called? What had kept this order alive in the course of times full of religious wars, gloomy ethnic grievances, secret and open conflicts between Sunni orthodoxy and the proclamations of freedom spread by the wisdom of Haxhi Bektash Veliu? How could this river of Islamic mysticism and the tradition of the Bektashi fathers walk, through the laws of modern times? Without hands, against those who shoot us, / Without words, against those who curse us./
This auspicious condition, not properly understood on the shores of Asia and Anatolia in the 13th and 14th centuries, had traveled to Albanian lands, in the troubled Balkans, through the Bektashi mission. The title of the magazine was gently announced and received with extreme excitement: Wisdom! Quite intuitively they, the first and wise fathers of that December night of 1993, had realized that the name of the magazine before embracing the aesthetic creed, devotion to the Creator, identity genesis, and the mosaic of the tariqat, was worth very difficult to achieve by man: Wisdom! It takes years of light, a journey towards yourself, to be able to approach wisdom. Rarely in the history of world literature has the publishing council of a magazine been identified with the Bektashi patriarchal council. This identification has served as the luck that accompanies the magazine even today. Personally, I will never forget the words of Dede Reshat Bardhi, at the end of May 2004, while I was sitting in the office of the editor-in-chief of the magazine: “My son! For journalism I do not understand. But listen to me a word. They talk a lot about 'Wisdom' listens to everyone, the dervishes and fathers and others differently. I have life with them. With them we keep alive the spirit of Haxhi Bektash Veliu .. They are the wise men of God and the fate of the slave! ”. Such a convention, given through insightful advice, has always served me to see Bektashi clerics as sincere interlocutors in the pages of the magazine, as well as actors of a certain religious and cultural reality. Every conversation with ‘them’ resembles an open door, from where you can travel through the thrilling and philosophical mysticism because after all the most literally perceptible perception of ‘it’ is the love of wisdom. Not in vain, the famous Heidergjer says that philosophy demands our attention, whispers our names, calls us to come out of ourselves and face the being itself.
The exoteric spiritual elitism of the Bektashi clergy, not infrequently displayed in the 25-year journey of "Wisdom", is inevitable to separate the pleasant surprises, coming from studies or poets of Bektashi origin, but who reached with their art the upper heights of Albanian letters. Special honor and respect for Dritëro Agolli, Xhevahir Spahiu, Ali Ali, Moikom Zeqon, Ali Podrimen, Sadik Bejkon, Musa Vyshkën, etc., who gave our magazine art moments to be rewarded with years of blessings. Finally, without wanting to mention a hierarchy of values, I also greet the thousands of ancestors, Hysen Ibrahimi across the skies and Kujtim Ahmataj across the ocean in the USA, not to take them out of the museum of our consciousness today, but to remind them that they remain cornerstones in the building spiritual that has gathered us today, in this hall. A special respect is dedicated today to Father Mondi, whose suggestions for "Wisdom" we listen to very carefully. The first because it has the vision of the Grandfather. The second is because he is the biological son of the first editor-in-chief, Hysen Ibrahimi. "
"Urtësia" magazine is a continuation of the tradition of the great theologians and poets of the Renaissance from Naim Frashëri, Baba Ali Tomori with the newspaper "Reforma", to Musine Kokalari. In its 130 issues, the magazine conveyed to the reader the endurance and triumph of the Bektashi faith. "

President Ilir Meta praises "Wisdom" with the title "Naim Frashëri".
The President of the Republic Ilir Meta, welcoming the event dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Magazine "Wisdom", praised the role and contribution of the Bektashi magazine with the title "Naim Frashëri". President Meta, during his welcoming speech, among other things said: “This magazine is already the voice, the forum and the true spirit of the activity of the Presidency and your honored community. The respected publishers of this magazine, under the direction of the World Leader, have offered the public with their writings the best qualities of the Bektashis such as patriotism, exquisite mysticism and harmony with other religious beliefs. "

Winners of literary and journalistic awards of the competition for the 25th anniversary of the magazine "Wisdom"
The director of the newspaper "Telegraf", at the same time chairman of the association "Tomorri" and chairman of the jury of the annual awards of the magazine 'Wisdom'Engjell Musai, announced these winners in different genres, giving the relevant certificates and monetary values ​​for the prize :
Sinan Elmazi, winner of the First Prize for the poetry cycle
Nevila Nallbani, winner of the First Prize in prose
Gëzim Loka, winner of the First Prize in prose
Ejona Picari, winner of the Second Prize for the study "Knowledge, as an essential value of Bektashism"
Hyqmet Hasko, winner of the Second Prize for the cycle of poetry
Blerina Hazizi, winner of the Second Prize in prose
Ferit Fixha, winner of the Second Prize for the cycle of poetry
Enea Muhameti, winner of the First Prize for the study "The historical role of Bektashism for universal love and peace"