Message of condolence from the Bektashi World Leader to the Patriot “Adem Demaçi”

Message from the Bektashi World Leader
His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj

I experienced the sad news of passing from this life, of the pure patriot Adem Demaçi with the deep feeling of losing a family member. Because even though they separated us in the bad year 1913, today we are together again, in the big traditional family, in that family nurtured for centuries with the love for God and the homeland.
Being one of the most prominent examples of Albanian resistance to the barbaric Serbian regime, the life and work of Adem Demaçi, has come with its echo across the (absurd) border of Albania, as a constant call to rise without fear , spiritually and physically over any regime that hits freedoms.
Undoubtedly, the current reality of our Kosovo, its coexistence with freedom owes a lot to this man who kept the fires of hope burning in the most acute times of our nation. Whereas every Albanian, wherever he is, will bow with the deepest respect to His work.
On behalf of millions of Bektashi believers around the world, but also on my own behalf, we offer our condolences to the relatives, friends and fellow travelers of our brother Adem Demaçi.
Rest in Peace, Man!

July 26, 2018 Tirana