Today marks the 30th anniversary of the reopening of the Bektashi World Headquarters

World Leader, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj: Event marked on the day of Sultan Nevruz. Gratitude to Dede Reshati and the generations of clerics who have left their mark on the eight hundred year history of Bektashism!

By Nuri ÇUNI

The reopening of the Bektashi World Headquarters 30 years ago, is a significant event for Albanian Bektashi believers, but also for millions of Bektashi believers around the world. The commemoration of this event marked today by the Holy See in Tirana and other grandmothers inside and outside the country, is another appreciation for the generations of clergy, dervishes and fathers, who, due to deprivation by the laws of the time, for the right of the exercise of faith, were deprived of shootings, severe imprisonment, internment and other persecution. At the same time, on this day, the role of the former World Leader Dede Reshat Bardhi is appreciated, for the reopening of the Presidency after the political changes in the country in 1990, the contribution until he passed away and the contribution of the current Bektashi World Leader, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, of his way of advancing the religious and patriotic mission of the peaceful Bektashi faith. “Today, on this marked day of the 30th anniversary of the Reopening of the Bektashi World Headquarters, which coincides with March 22, the day of Sultan Nowruz, I respectfully remember my predecessor, myrshid Dede Reshati, for everything he has done for the reopening of the Holy See of ongoing. At the same time, as the World Leader of Bektashism, I have spared and will spare until I am in this life, to fulfill his legacy, numerous projects, to strengthen Bektashism in Albania and the whole world, with faith, help and worship of God Almighty, for more kindness, peace, love and harmony… “- claims for” Telegraf “-Dede Edmond Brahimaj. On this marked day, full of activities, everyone reflects and meditates on the difficult but valuable path of the eight hundred year old Bektashi faith…
Historical overview of Bektashism
The history of the Bektashi order, from the 13th century until today, with its founder, Haxhi Bektash Veliu.  Bektashism is the tariqah, the mystical Islamic path that deals with the spiritual perfection of man. … In the early 16th century, Bektashism had its dervish training center at the largest college in Dimoteca, Bulgaria at the time, where 400 dervishes were taught each year. Meanwhile, in 1826 by Sultan Mahmut II, very harsh measures were taken against the Bektashi order, up to the murder, imprisonment or internment of clerics who were caught in their traditional uniform, or exercised this belief illegally. On December 13, 1925, by a decision of the Turkish Parliament, all tekkes in Turkey were closed. In such conditions, the World Leader of that time, Sali Niazi Dede, brought to Tirana the Holy See of the Bektashi World Headquarters. In the years 1930 – 1941, the Grandfather Salih Niazi Dede gave Bektashism in Albania a new historical dimension and enriched day by day the Bektashi tradition of Haxhi Bektash Veliu that continues to this day. After the fascist occupation, on November 28, 1941, Salih Niazi Dede fell a martyr of the homeland. After him, according to the Bektashi customary code, came the ancestors: Ali Riza Dede (1941-1944), Kamber Ali Dede (1944-1945), Xhafer Sadik Dede (1945-1945), Abaz Hilmi Dede (1945-1947), Ahmed Myftar Dede (1947-1980), Haxhi Dede Reshat Bardhi (1991-2011), Haxhi Baba Edmond Brahimaj (from 10.06.2011). Bektashism has left traces in the history of mankind, about which personalities such as: Hasluck, Han, Jokl, Durham, Bartl, Celebiu, Trix, Birge, Babinger, Norris, Popovic, De Jong, Cleyer, Elsie, Mororo dela Roka have written etc.
Persecution in the monistic period
Until the reopening of the Holy See in 1990, Bektashism in Albania went through a great ordeal, suffering, punishment and persecution, where according to documents, only during the years 1945-1990, 55 dervishes and fathers were shot, imprisoned or exiled. The Grand Prix functioned even during the Second World War and was followed by the liberation with the Bektashi congresses of 1945, the fourth, and of 1950, the fifth, when a great deal of work was done by Grandfather Dede Ahmeti who participated in several Conferences of Peace, collaborated with other tekkes of the world and gave dimension to Bektashism in this period. Dede Ahmeti had his loyal, dervish Reshat Bardhi from Lusna of Kukes, whom he prepared for the future of Bektashism. This high institution functioned until 1967. When the monist state legally banned the practice of religion in Albania, the Bektashi faith remained and resisted illegally, until 1990. At this time of the persecution of monism, the Detroit Teqe in America has served as an unquenchable light. The Detroit tekke in America has served as an unquenchable light. This tekke, built with sacrifices by Bektashi believers in 1954, was able to function thanks to the will and erudition of Saint Baba Rajab but also US institutional assistance, where the values ​​of democracy meant preserving and transmitting the moral and religious values ​​of the peoples.
Preparation and opening ceremony
… With the change of the totalitarian system in Albania in 1990, and the beginning of democratic processes, which brought a new era for religious beliefs in our country, on March 22, 1991, on the occasion of the feast of Sultan Nowruz, after a long break, the resumption of the activity of the Bektashi World Headquarters was confirmed. … On November 30, 1990, Ibrahim Hasnaj together with Reshat Bardhi, after a consultation on a memorandum, decided to form the Initiating Commission for the reopening of the Bektashi World Headquarters: Ibrahim Hasanaj was chairman and members were: Musa Mara, Hysen Brahimaj, Hajdar Hida, Skënder Gazheli, Refat Haxhiu, Hasan Fejzo, Elif Fejzo and Vera Qosja. This commission held its first meeting on January 27, 1991 at the house of Skënder Gazheli. Father Reshat Bardhi and father Selim Kaliçani came to this meeting. Ibrahim Hasnaj was appointed chairman of the Commission and secretaries, Musa Mara, Hysen Brahimaj and Skënder Gazheli. From the first steps with the idea and establishment of the commission, until the reopening ceremony of Bektashism, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, today’s Bektashi Chief, was present and active. It was decided to make a request to the state authorities for the release of The Bektashi World Headquarters, which was used as an asylum for the elders of Tirana. The preparations with a wide participation from Tirana, Kruja, Elbasan, Durrës, etc., led to the historic event of March 22, 1991. It was sent to the mother and Mother Teresa, with the text: “We have the great honor to inform you that the day of Friday, March 22, 1991, at 10 a.m., we hold the Holy Reopening Ceremony of the Bektashi World Headquarters. Your participation would be a great honor for us. Initiating commission for the reopening of Bektashi tekkes. ” In this ceremony, father Reshat Bardhi, father Barjam Mahmutaj, father Selim Kalicani and other clerics, dressed the Bektashi uniform. The ceremony was opened by Musa Mara (myhyb of Dede Ahmeti), who, among other things, said: Dear brothers and sisters, dear friends of all religions… Today, the hourhave arrived for the reopening of the Headquarter, a ceremony which is being celebrated we develop here outside, near the tekke ”. After him, the elderly Ibrahim Hasnaj (honorary dervish) spoke. The ceremony continued with Prayers to God from father Reshat Bardhi, father Barjam Mahmutaj and father Selim Kaliçani. It was very special to participate in the reopening of the Bektashi Holy See of Mother Teresa, a participant in this event, who, among other things, stated: “I am very happy to be with you today in this Religious Center, where humanity takes first place. Happy Sultan Nevruz holiday! ” The noble Mother Teresa, as she learned that in the building that would be the Bektashi World Headquarters there were still some elderly people, took over the shelter and their treatment in another place…
The resurgence of Bektashism and cult objects
After this day, father Reshat Bardhi with other clerics, began the work of reorganizing the Bektashi World Headquarters and reopening tekkes throughout Albania and the Balkans, participating in every reopening ceremony in Kruja, Elbasan, Korca, Ersekë, Frashër, Përmet, Tepelena, Gjirokastra, Vlora, Skrapar, Mallakastra and all over Albania.
After the First Bektashi Conference of Albania, on June 21, 1992, on July 19, 1993, the VI Bektashi Congress was held with the participation of delegates from Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Turkey. In it, the greeting and father Rexhepi of the Detroit tekke, the World Grandfather Haxhi Dede Reshat Bardhi, raised to a high degree the organization and institutional direction of the Bektashi World Headquarters, giving priority to the further strengthening of Bektashism not only in Albania but in the Balkans and all the world. He consistently defended Kosovo’s rights to freedom and independence in the international arena
Grandfather Dede Edmond Brahimaj, successor of Dede Reshati
After the separation from this life of Dede Reshat Bardhi, the religious and patriotic mission for the direction of world Bektashism, is led by the current Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj. Dede Reshati kept Father Mondi with him and had his deputy, entrusted him with every important task for the Bektashi World Headquarters until he passed away in April 2011. The High Parental Council and the General Council, elected Bektashi Grandfather, on June 11, 2011, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj. In the 10-year period of his leadership, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, in addition to ongoing initiatives of the most valuable Bektashi traditions, along with the consolidation of institutions and the spread of this peaceful faith, is playing an important role in recognizing and reviving this belief in different parts of the world, where millions of Bektashi believers live. Dede Edmondi, has been welcomed by senior religious and state figures in the US, France, Turkey, Belgium, Switzerland, Iraq, Italy, etc. and enjoys the support of Bektashi communities around the world. During this period, the Grandfather with a clear vision was able to complete the very functional Odeon started by Dede Reshati with the establishment of the Bektashi Museum, archive, contemporary library, which have been appreciated by high state personalities, culture and art, local and foreign. For ‘them and the believers. The registration of Bektashi families, under the initiation and care of Dede Edmond Brahimaj, an ongoing process for the identity of Bektashism in Albania and in the world, is a commitment of great value. The Grandfather Edmond Brahimaj has the merit that he made possible the realization of the will of Dede Reshat Bardhi, the grand completion and inauguration, on September 7, 2015, of the Bektashi Headquarter in the Holy See in Tirana. In the intense diplomatic activity of Dede Edmond Brahimaj, among others we mention, the meeting with Pope Francis, on May 10, 2016 in the Vatican; the meeting with the Ecumenical Patriarch of Istanbul, the First Bartholomew of Turkey, in September 2016, etc.… His participation with other Albanian clergy left a mark in the ‘solidarity march’ in Paris in January 1915, after the tragedy of the Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris surprised, all the peoples of the world.
Dede Edmond Brahimaj, as a clergyman and intellectual, for his religious and patriotic activity, his contribution to the strengthening of religious coexistence and human love, has been praised with dozens of official decorations and medals by high state personalities of the country and abroad.

Prepared by:

“… To achieve the reopening ceremony of Bektashism on March 22, 1991, since November 30, 1990, they worked to establish the Initiating Commission for the reopening of the Bektashi World Headquarters. The commission was appointed on January 27, 1991. Ibrahim Hasanaj was chairman and members: Musa Mara, Hysen Brahimaj, Hajdar Hida, Skënder Gazheli, Refat Haxhiu, Hasan Fejzo, Elif Fejzo and Vera Qosja From the first steps with the idea and establishment of the commission, until in the reopening ceremony of Bektashism, present and active was Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, today’s Bektashi Leader. “