Bektashis celebrate Sultan Nowruz

World Grandfather Dede Edmond Brahimaj was congratulated by the President of the Republic, Mr. Ilir Meta; minister; deputies; US Ambassador Yuri Kim; from the embassies of Italy, Germany, Kosovo, Sweden, Israel, Palestine, etc.…

By Sheldiana AGARAI

Yesterday, in the Holy Headquarters of the Bektashis in Tirana, hundreds of believers from different parts of the country, but also from outside Albania, celebrated and performed the traditional rites of the feast of Sultan Novruz. The Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, welcomed them and wished them more peace, love between each other and hope in God, to face these difficult situations we are going through today. Although unstable weather, in pandemic conditions and in full implementation of protective measures, did not prevent participants to perform the rites of this marked day. On this day, Grandfather Dede Edmond Brahimaj, received congratulations from senior officials of Albania, ministers, MPs, ambassadors, intellectuals and celebrities. The ceremony was also attended by the Head of the Muslim Community of Albania, Bujar Spahiu, and leaders and representatives of religious faiths in Albania.
President of the Republic, Mr. Ilir Meta, Ambassador of the United States of America Yuri Kim, officials of the embassies of Italy, Germany, Kosovo, Sweden, India, Israel, Palestine .They visited the Holy See and made theircongratulations.
The official opening of the ceremony was made by the Bektashi World Grandfather, His Grace, Haji Dede Edmond Brahimaj, who among other things said: “Sultan Nevruzi, has been and will remain a unique date, in the calendar of millions of people of the sects, even Sufis throughout the Islamic world. The personification of a new day, full of sunshine and divine love, has traveled with this date, passing from century to century, the river idea of ​​a life reborn from the love of the Creator. Having in the substance of our spiritual lives, precisely this love, we turn away from mortal things every day, we approach goodness and prosperity, loving and respecting one another, building the family on sound foundations, uniting our human destinies with the fates of the nation. As faithful followers of the tariqat of Islam, at the same time today, we celebrate the birthday of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, whose life and work remain an example and a high spirit of holiness, in the bosom of the entire Muslim family. The precious qualities sculpted in His personality still remain today, the point of reference not only in our approach to the seas and heavens of religious mysticism, but also in the plane of current human developments. In particular, we Bektashis are proud that we have made the philosophy and wisdom of this Exalted Imam an integral part of the doctrine and development of the Tariqah itself. We are enriching the treasury of His thought, with today’s attitudes toward the Creator, toward human society, toward every wound or splendor of the time we live. Today, however, will remain marked in the world history of the Bektashi order. Full 30 years ago, on March 22, 1991, thanks to the winds of Albanian democracy, the Bektashi Holy See was reopened here in Tirana, the door of Haxhi Bektash Veliu was reopened for the believers of Albania, the Balkans and the world. Widely closed in 1967, like all places of worship in our country, our Holy See withstood the waves of that time, despite its physical alienation. Even in the years 1967-1990, we came here secretly, clergymen dressed in work uniforms and believers of all kinds. We went to the tomb of Sali Niazi Dede, this martyr of the nation’s freedom, we prayed, we constantly asked for God’s help, always believing with all our souls that He was listening to us. That is why we filled this blessed square on March 22, 1991, with our happy voices and souls. That is why we joined the saint, mother Teresa, father Reshat Bardhi, father Sherif Canometaj, father Selim Kaliçani, father Bajram Mahmutaj, etc., leaving behind a creepy story. Between the two March regimes that came after the winter season and the belief that came so many atheist winters we were truly, the luckiest people in those days. These three decades of the reopening of our Holy See are, in fact, filled with living testimonies of a sacred faith which, before erecting new tekkes or tombs, has elevated, to unspoken degrees, devotion to the Creator. . We are responsible for the historic mission we carry and will carry out this mission on the ground, walking in the bright footsteps of our previous clergy and believers. It is the second year that we, with all the desire to be seen and physically meet, not just here in the Holy See, but also in our homes, from Vlora to Tetovo, from Korça to Gjakova, from Gjirokastra to Debar, can not do something like that. The global pandemic, the official protocols, our responsibility in the face of this sad reality, have limited us every day more and more. But this situation has not prevented us at all, to be spiritually close to each other not just to express feelings of solidarity, but above all to be as close as possible to those who lost their loved ones, those who suffered from this pandemic. But we confess even in these difficult days, to be united in both families, the biological and the spiritual, praying to the Great God to give us strength and hope for the days to come. Meanwhile, from the shrine of this day-symbol for the Bektashis all over the world, let me join the great concerns that Albania is going through, from this endless transition. We all believe to be of one mind, that God has given our country incalculable wealth, as we believe that the political class in these three decades has not worked to put these wealth to Albanians, but their families .. ”
Numerous visitors also saw up close the premises of the Bektashi odeon, the photo exhibition on this occasion, the rich museum, the library, the gallery, etc. This important Bektashi event was covered by local media and foreign journalists who had come especially to Tirana for Sultan Novruz. Meanwhile, the coincidence of this holiday with the 30th anniversary of the reopening of Bektashism in Albania, made this marked day more beautiful and richer.