The 421st anniversary of the founding of the tekke of “Kuzum Baba”, Vlora.

April 02 Friday, 2021, commemorates the 421st anniversary of the founding of the tekke of “Kuzum Baba”, Vlora, an activity that coincides with the 10th anniversary of the passing from this life of the former Bektashi World Leader, Dede Reshat Bardhi. This tekke has a great history and an important contribution, which reflects the religious and patriotic role of its dervishes and fathers over the centuries.
Sayyid Ali Sultan, is this name of Kuzum Baba . He was born in the Tekke of Ohrid and grew up in the Bektashi faith in Turkey. In that  time, he became a dervish and later, he was promoted to become father. After the 1400s, he was assigned to carry out the great mission of the Bektashi faith in Europe and, later, in Albania. Evliah Çelebi, in 1670, when he visited Albania, wrote about the tekke of Kuzum Babai, which he calls the ‘Tekke of Sultan Babai’. This holy man starts with the blessing that he would be able to do everything for the people in Vlora and in other Albanian territories, for the spread of the Bektashi faith. But the malicious instigated the evil intention, in treachery, at Qafa e Koçiut in Vlora and beheaded him. For this, there are different opinions about the years of its foundation, 1400 – 1500, 1600. Legend said: Kuzum Babai, took his head cut off in his hands and under the astonishment and horror of the wicked, walked straight to the city, to the hill . A group of believers from the “Murabije” neighborhood are near him and after Kuzum Babai lies down, they bury him with well-known religious ceremonies. On this beautiful hill overlooking the city of Vlora and the sea, the tomb of Kuzum Baba was erected. In the 1600s, a Bektashi tekke was built, which was very successful and flourished in particular, in the 17th century. The missionaries of Sultan Mahmud II, in 1826, destroyed the tekke.
In 1914, Kuzum Baba’s tekke became a reception place for hundreds of Muhajireen, providing them with bread and food. During World War II, the Italians used it as a small military unit. After 1945, the buildings were restored and the  shrine of Kuzum Baba was rebuilt, which was closed with the closure of the religion in 1967. It was reopened in 1992. On the hill of Kuzum Baba, is placed the bust of Dede Ahmeti (World Leader in the years 1950 – 1958), who after the liberation of the country, has done a great job in this tekke. The tekke has developed its activity in every period and today, it is one of the most important centers for the Bektashi Dedelik of Vlora and all of Albania. The clerics who have served in this tekke are: Dede Ahmeti 1945-1948; dervish Qebir Metlliu; dervish Xhelo Sinani in 1950; father Abedin Agaj, years 1950-1956. Then, the tekke, returned military unit and part of the building, from 1956.
Only two rooms were left that served fathers and dervishes until 1967. The building was closed, with the banning of religion by law by the monist state. The large tekke was rebuilt on the foundations of the old tekke, with a beautiful architecture, two-storey, with concrete and brick and plastered works, with all the necessary facilities, by father Sadik Ibro,. The foundations were laid in 2000 and was inaugurated in 2003. It is surrounded by nearby walls and has a shrine according to Bektashi tradition. Today serves  dervish Sali Peti and secretary, Dragush Lila.

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