The 10th anniversary of passing from this life of Dede Reshat Bardhi is commemorated at the Bektashi Holy See

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of passing from this life of the former World Leader of the Bektashis, Dede Reshat Bardhi, on April 4, 2021, in the premises of the Holy See in Tirana was held the occasional ceremony and mevludi. The activities of the day took place under the care and direction of the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj. In addition to many believers, dervishes and fathers from the country’s tekkes also participated, such as father Faik Selmani, father Skënder Dervishi, father Abdyl Shehaj, dervishes Mikel Onjea, dervishes Sali Peti, dervishes Admir Selamani, dervishes Myrteza Shehu, etc. Also present were intellectuals and representatives of the sects, Kadri (Bujar Harasani), Rufai (Qemaludin Reka) and others. On this occasion, in his greeting, the World Grandfather, His Grace, Haji Dede Edmond Brahimaj said: “On this marked day, we commemorate one of the prominent figures of world Bektashism, Dede Reshat Bardhin, who 30 years ago reopened the Bektashi World Headquarters and rebuilt from the foundations tekkes, tombs destroyed in 1967 with the legal prohibition of religion. Dede Reshati was able to reorganize from the work in the Headquarter with structure and the dervishes and fathers, whom he scattered throughout Albania, bringing hope not only to the Bektashi believers but to the entire Albanian people. He  gave this faith unparalleled faith and love, in love of God and love of homeland and Nation. His life in painful ordeal could survive and keep alive that love that only faith in God and the insistence of every believer to walk on this path for the good of the country and the future of youth in this wonderful country like Albania. He kept the light of Haxhi Bektashi during the communist system, kept it alive with the believers in secret. In 1991 he reopened it, built tekkes and shrines, giving them hope that God is in their hearts. We remember this message with reverence and respect, he is the only one who preserved in that storm this bright light of the Islamic religion. This mevlud today is for his soul. He has given us a lot, kept the light of Hajj clean. With this mevlut, we try to elevate these figures. .. We walk on those rails that he laid with much effort and sacrifice. And he gave his life for Bektashism… Therefore it is the duty of each of us clerics, believers to walk in the path of the Bektashi tradition, the path of Haji Bektash Veliu! ”
Then the orators of the recitation of Mevlud from the Muslim Community, skillfully brought that homage and love to Allah and the need to walk in this path of the Creator. In his interpretation of the Mevlud, among others, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj underlined:
Whoever learns Mawlud, the Command from the Prophet, /
I will do the shafaat, until the day of Mahsher./
Who can teach Mevlud, from head to toe, /
Or whoever hears it in Paradise.
In that majlis, whoever is in the Mawlud of the Server./
Salat and Salam say, for the sake of the Prophet./
Those who denied it and did not believe it, /
They became emaciated, in hell they have meqana./
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of God, /
The hatred of Rasuhullah gave the hijads to mankind./
Those who believe in Allah, one by one, will remain.
and how many are the Prophets, who are the true reward. “
This activity was closely followed by many televisions and print media, which broadcast it directly, or provided extensive chronicles and information about it.

(Photos: Nuri ÇUMANI)

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