The reunion of Executive Board of the Interreligious Council of Albania

Today on April 12.2021 was held the next meeting of the Executive Board of the Interreligious Council of Albania . The meeting was opened with a greeting from the Chairman of the Interreligious Council of Albania for 2021, H. Dede Edmond Brahimaj, at the same time the World Leader of the Bektashis.
The meeting held at the Bektashi World Headquarters was moderated by the Secretary General of IRCA Dr. Genti Kruja, who has made an overview of the activities carried out during a year, where although in pandemic conditions, IRCA has been active with physical and online meetings of its instances, developing several humanitarian and social projects, conceived and realized by the Interreligious Council itself, through the Department of Women and the Department of Youth with the support of all religious communities and their leaders, the realization of the documentary “30 years of freedom of religion”, conceived and realized by the Executive Board, publication of a catalog and book of activities in Albanian and English and recently the decoration of the Interreligious Council with the High Medal of the President of the Republic “Honor of the Nation”.
Afterwards, the members of the Executive Board discussed some possible projects, which are expected to be implemented with some national and international partners, for which several working groups, members of the Department of Women and the Department of Youth in the Interreligious Council of Albania have worked.