Today, 5 years since Pope Francis met with the Bektashi World Leader

Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj: A fraternal reception that strengthens cooperation in the joint mission for peace, religious dialogue and brotherhood!
Today marks five years since the official meeting of the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Haji Dede Edmond Brahimaj, with Pope Francis, at the Holy See of the Vatican. For Dede Edmond Brahimaj, this important official meeting, reception and constructive talks, further strengthened the cooperation in the joint mission for peace, religious dialogue and brotherhood!
“The invitation of the Head of the Holy See for the two-day official visit of the delegation of the Bektashi World Presidency at the Vatican, on May 10-11, 2015, was a welcome invitation and was successfully completed. Meetings with clergy and officials of the Vatican, especially the special reception and conversation with Pope Francis, further strengthened the cooperation, friendship and work of our common mission of peace, goodness, religious tolerance and brotherhood throughout the world. We have met other times with the Pope of Rome, meetings which aim to further strengthen our mission … “- affirms, among others, the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj.
Meeting of the Bektashi Grandfather with the Pope of Rome
The most important moment of the official visit (on May 10-11, 2016), of the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace Haji Dede Edmond Brahimaj to the Holy See in the Vatican, with the invitation of the Pope, was the meeting with Pope Francis. The meeting, which lasted 45 minutes (beyond the protocol forecast), took place on the morning of May 11th. Visar Xhiti, Charge d’Affaires of the Albanian Embassy in the Vatican, also joined the delegation of the Bektashi World Headquarters. It was the first time that the Bektashi community met with the successor of St. Peter in the Vatican, which gives the visit of this delegation an important historical character, as emphasized by Vatican Radio, the Albanian language section, in its news…. At the moment of the meeting, the Pope stressed “I am happy to expect a good friend from Albania!”, While the praise of the Bektashi World Leader, Dede Edmond Brahimaj called Pope Francis “Big brother, who works for world peace!” In this very friendly conversation, Pope Francis, among other things, emphasized: “… I have very good impressions from the visit to Albania, I was impressed by the youth. I am surprised by the history of Albanian martyrs. … Albanians are on the right path, towards God and progress. I give my blessing to the Albanian people with all my heart and I ask God to protect them, to help them move forward and never, ever, to allow war between his sons. Amen! ” Mutual assessments between the Pope and the High Bektashi Leader for the missions they carry out, including their opinions and commitments to strengthen respect, cooperation and strengthening coexistence, interfaith dialogue, efforts for peace, wisdom and kindness. After the cordial meeting, also on May 11, the Grandfather gave an extended interview to Vatican Radio.
Echo of the meeting
Pope Francis’ meeting with Dede Edmond Brahimaj was echoed in the world media in real time and continuously. In addition to Vatican Radio broadcasts, agencies and newspapers provided considerable space for the event. The Vatican newspaper, the daily “L’Osservatore Romano” (May 12, 2012) published a note on the two-day visit of the Bektashi delegation from Albania entitled “In the sign of brotherhood”, accompanied by a photo, where they are holding hands friendly Baba Mondi with Pope Francis, with the caption: Pope Audience with the Head of the Bektashis. Meanwhile, the meeting culminated when Pope Francis blessed the Albanians, media such as ANSA, Vatican Radio, etc., echoed what the Pope said: “I give my blessing to the Albanian people with all my heart and I ask God to protect them, help them  move forward and never allow war between his sons. Amen!
Experiences from the meeting
Journalist Ferdinant Samarxhiu, who accompanied the Bektashi World Leader on this rare visit, says in his memoirs: “Unforgettable moments!… The director of Vatican Radio for the Albanian language, my friend and friend of Albania, Dom David Xhuxha, (the only one who accompanied the Pope in the car, together with Mons. Rrok Mirdita, on a visit to Albania), helped to be considered a very special case, to be allowed by our camera to capture the historical images of this meeting. And so it happened. We were all waiting for the Pope to come. And the high hierarchs of the Vatican were lucky to meet him on this occasion. Entering the Vatican Square made us experience unforgettable moments World Grandfather Dede Edmond Brahimaj was received by the Pope of Rome as a visionary leader of the time, flag bearer of love in the way of God, which seeks to convey it in the hearts of people, to be born in them the love of God, the way it follows, is leading Bektashism on the horizon with the vision of time, is struggling to spread this belief not only in 31 countries of the world, with cult objects of this belief, and spread it wider in today’s human society. The moment of the meeting remains unforgettable when the Pope said: I expect a good friend from Albania! The message of the Pope, which I experience for my country, with a special nostalgia from the Holy Father, had conquered our minds and hearts, of the Elder in the first place, but also of mine as a journalist who would convey the messages of the historic meeting , rare, of the Holy Father…! ”
Dede Edmond Brahimaj: The invitation of the Head of the Holy See for the two-day official visit of the delegation of the Bektashi World Headquarters to the Vatican, on May 10-11, 2015, was a welcome invitation and was successfully completed. Meetings with clergy and officials of the Vatican, especially the special reception and conversation with Pope Francis, further strengthened the cooperation, friendship and work of our common mission of peace, goodness, religious tolerance and brotherhood throughout the world. We have met other times with the Pope of Rome, meetings which aim to further strengthen our mission. ”

Prepared by: Kujtim BORIÇI