Is commemorated The 6th anniversary of the inauguration of the Odeon at the Bektashi Holy See

To The Bektashi World Leader, His Holiness, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, was given the title "Honorary Citizen of Skrapar"

Yesterday was a special day for the Bektashis. The commemoration of the 6th anniversary of the completion of the Odeon in the Holy Bektashi Headquarters, had another surprise: The Municipal Council of Skrapar, handed over to the Bektashi World Leader, His Holiness, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, the title "Honorary Citizen of Skrapar". The ceremony was attended by Bektashi clerics, leaders and representatives of other religions in Albania, leaders of state and local institutions and many believers. This ceremony was preceded by numerous activities throughout the day, where of interest were the photo exhibitions, prepared and presented under the auspices of Nuri Çuni, Secretary General of the World Headquarters. Initially, those present at last night's ceremony, watched the documentary film "Bektashi Odeon", while in continuation, greeted the Bektashi World Leader, Dede Edmond Brahimaj. While the Mayor of Skrapar, Adriatik Mema, handed over to the World Grandfather the title "Honorary Citizen of Skrapar".
Speech of the Bektashi World Leader
After greeting the audience, grandfather Edmond Brahimaj, made a brief presentation of the work done for the construction of the Odeon and its enrichment in these six years. Among other things, he said: Dear friends, high personalities, invited to the event of the 6th anniversary of the Inauguration of the Multifunctional, Cultural and Religious Center, "Odeon" a unique work not only for Bektashi believers everywhere in the world but for everyone who desires to learn about our mystical path of Islam, Bektashism! This date remains a marked date for millions of Bektashi believers around the world and at the same time an annual commemorative holiday for ‘them. So it is today, six years ago. The commemoration of the Odeon construction is an appreciation for the bright path of our Bektashi faith, a reminder and obligation of what generations of our clergy have done so far and what we should do for the future. The Odeon we inaugurated six years ago is a reflection of the enlightening 800-year history of Bektashism that will continue to be enriched. On this day we respectfully commemorate the initiators and first implementers of this project, Ahmet Dede Myftari and Dede Reshat Bardhi, to the current generation that materialized this project …… The shrine we inaugurated 6 years ago, is the visible and symbolic part of a faith born 800 years ago. What has made this sect of Islam, to survive for centuries, to gain new spiritual terrain, to travel with the salient values ​​of today, is precisely the spirit of understanding with what you have on hand, the river feeling to build bridges of love on the shores with different religions, ethnicities, races and mentalities. Diverse thoughts and heritage, religious orientations and cultural tendencies of peoples, we have always seen as spiritual wealth and despite the basic elements, we believe that we have nothing to share, on the contrary, it is worth being united as the will requires of the Creator. With a sense of legitimate pride for the ancestors of a thousand, I want to let you all know that the millions of Bektashis around the world, those who inspire to enter into the secrets of the tariqah, boys and girls, men and women, previously unknown, on the night of the square, in the presence of Haxhi Bektash Veliu and their spiritual leader, they become eternal brothers and sisters. … During these 6 years of the establishment of this Center, the Archive sector has faced a voluminous work in the selection and systematization of collected documents related to the activity of the Presidency, in terms of religion, economy, history, culture, etc. The documents are collected not only by various state institutions, but also by private individuals as well as by various individuals or families throughout the country. All these documents have been subjected to technical-scientific processing by the group of archivists and then all the processed documents have been uploaded to the system. These processes are the two basic processes of archival work that are permanent in this institution. The earliest document dates back to 1847 and continues to this day. The documents stored in the archive are not only in Albanian but also in Arabic, Ottoman, French, English and other languages.
The Museum of Bektashism was inaugurated on September 7, 2015 and is part of the Religious-Odeon Cultural Center. In this Museum, through various documents, photos, objects or publications, the 800-year history of Bektashism is given in chronological order. The museum contains 12 double stands and about 30 showcases, with objects, old publications, manuscripts, etc. The highlight of the Museum are the mannequins with the uniforms of the Bektashi Hierarchy where we would single out the personalized one for Dede Reshat Bardhi. An additional element of the Museum are the three monitors, where through documentaries and various recordings, tekkes are given in Albania, the Persecution of the Bektashi Clergy, as well as the rite of preparation of Ashura. An integral part of the Museum are two premises: the Chimney-Cafe and the Hall of Matem and Ashura. In 2019, thanks to the precious gift of the famous painter Omer Kaleshi, the Gallery Hall was added, with paintings where the main figures are dervishes. ” During these 6 years in the premises of the Museum of Bektashism have been held commemorative activities, book promotions, screenings of documentaries, which have been attended by academics, professors, well-known actors and personalities from various fields. The museum has aroused special interest for local and foreign visitors, such as many personalities from different countries of the world, ambassadors, tourist groups, researchers, etc. The museum has about 500 original objects, rare publications as well as gifts from personalities and World Organizations. All objects of the Museum are cartelized, a process that is ongoing. During these 6 years the museum of Bektashism has realized 20 exhibitions. For the museum we have made 4 Albums, 6 editions and book corrections, and a documentary film. The library premises consist of an open-air reading room and that of its archive. The open-funded hall serves readers, scholars, clerics, etc. with staff Artur Gjini. In this environment every reader has the opportunity to consult directly with the literature she has. The archive space serves to provide a unique copy of each title, as well as to store rare copies. After a thematic structuring, the process of inventory of funds is realized, reflected in the inventory book. Also, the bibliographic classification according to contemporary international standards has been realized, continuing step by step with the enrichment of funds. This library counts about 4 thousand titles. . An integral part of this library are the works of the Frashëri Brothers to whom a special space is dedicated. Recently, two library halls with different titles and themes have been created. The sound library / Photo library / film library contains the collection, digitization, inventory and publication of the book with the Bektashi Songs of Pëllumb Katroshi. Documentaries and archiving of various materials during activities over the years. The construction of the Bektashi temple, Odeon, has been the idea of ​​the former Bektashi World Leader, Dede Ahmet Myftari, since 1958, and was started by Dede Reshati in January 2004 with the construction firm Haredin Fratari and under his care until 2011 took full architectural form. This work, the only one of its kind in the whole world, is a combination of Islamic ornamentalism in the Albanian tradition of construction. Marble, granite, profile, stained glass with astonishing arabesques were used for their refinement, Arabic calligraphy always accompanied by the Albanian translation of the names of the martyrs of the Bektashi faith are found in this shrine… .. A contribution to the progress and management of the construction of the Odeon and The restructuring of the Holy See was given by the Department of Economy and Finance of the Bektashi World Headquarters headed by Jetmir Bodini.
This magnificent building adds to the Bektashi World Headquarters further developments of the Bektashi faith; studies research, publications, filming and national and international communication giving dimension to the Bektashi faith in the great trunk of the Islamic religion. This work fulfilled a great desire for all Bektashi believers, clerics and World Leaders. But at the same time this Great Central Temple is a pride for all Albanians. … Once again, thank you all for your interest and participation! God bless you! Amin! ”
Title "Honorary Citizen of Skrapar"
Adriatik Mema, Mayor of Skrapar, greeted the participants. Among other things, he said: “… I am very happy to be given the opportunity today to greet this honored audience on the occasion of the 6th anniversary of the construction of the Bektashi Odeon, an excellent materialization of a long-standing wish that the fate of brought to concretize Dede Edmond Brahimaj… të Indisputable merits, just like his predecessors, dede Ahmeti and Dede Reshati, have Dede Edmond Brahimaj. … As Mayor of Skrapar, I am here today and for another reason. I have the pleasure to be the one who will hand over to His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, the high title "Honorary Citizen of Skrapar", awarded by the Municipal Council of Skrapar.
In the end, he handed over to Dede Edmond Brahimaj, the title ‘Honorary Citizen of Skrapar”, with the motivation: “For the contribution given as a missionary of peace, tolerance and religious harmony, as well as forits exercise in the re-establishment of Bektashi cult objects in Skrapar ”.
Dede Edmond, greeted the top title winner.

Prepared by: K. BORIÇI