Central media on the 6th anniversary of the inauguration of the Odeon at the Bektashi Holy See

-Special with photos today in the newspaper "Telegraf" -

The commemoration of the 6th anniversary of the inauguration of the Religious-Cultural Center of the Bektashi Holy See (Odeoni), in Tirana, in addition to numerous ceremonial activities held on Tuesday, September 7, 2021, was preceded and continues with an informative and appreciative presence even in the national media. Thus, today, in the newspaper "Telegraf", a special is published with evaluations of famous personalities of the country and foreign, accompanied by photos, about the Bektashi Odeon and its religious, cultural and national values. Here are some excerpts:

Bujar Spahiu, Head of the Albanian Muslim Community: “..I feel honored to participate in the inauguration of this magnificent cult object, where the Muslim believers of the Bektashi Community, have been waiting for years. The shrine is a religious institution and as such retains an important role in the cultural development of the inner human world. In the shrine, the believer manages to purify himself and become pious. Therefore, the main goal of its construction is humanism and human piety ..! ”

Pope Francis (Telegram read by His Excellency, Igles Congratulations, with Pope Francis congratulating the Bektashi World Leader, the inauguration of the odeon and the role of Bektashism for religious harmony and peace.)

Anastas, Archbishop of Tirana, Durrës and all of Albania: “A picture that imposes you a lot. A home of the Bektashis and of every believer who is pushed into the Sufi forms of human love. Congratulations to everyone, especially to today's Grandfather Dede Mondi. Congratulations to those who worked for the museum and other shrine facilities, tending to give the clearest possible road concepts of how this belief was born and how it has come to the days we live in today. But I would also like to appreciate my old and unforgettable friend, Dede Reshat Bardhi, with whom I became closely associated since 1991, when we were reviving the destroyed religion… Especially, I remember the difficult days of 1997, when we often had to come together to make unanimous decisions, to draft and adopt declarations of peace, coming to the aid of different believers… ”

Angelo Masafra: “..It is like saying a miracle. God loved it, so he gave it to his sons on earth. Each of His wills finds its best expression in those places where people are born, grow up and travel their physical lives, with the desire to get as close to Him as possible  Once again, Dede Edmond Brahimaj, You have built a unique building that Bektashis all over the world have missed ”!”

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey: “We see you as the representative in the Balkans of Haxhi Bektash Veliu. These lands with education, patience and suffering have been burned in the fire of science and love, of monuments of science and knowledge such as Haxhi Bektash Veliu. I remember with appreciation and respect the struggle you have waged over the centuries to walk the path of Haxhi Bektash Veliu, to keep his legacy alive. I believe that the shrine will perform an extremely vital task of transmitting these messages to future generations. I would like to emphasize that we as Turkey always have an open heart for the Bektashi Community in Albania and that we will continue our support in the future. On behalf of myself and my people, I express my consideration to you, dear Bektashi brothers, and through you I convey to all the Albanian people the most cordial love and greetings ".

The President of the Republic, Ilir Meta: “Let us all enjoy this temple of love together. This investment of the Bektashis is an architectural and at the same time spiritual miracle. Congratulations to the Bektashi World Leader, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, for the completion of this special temple in Albania, the Balkans and beyond ..! ”

Former President of the Republic, Bujar Nishani: “The Bektashi World Headquarters has given and continues to give its precious contribution in creating and enriching tolerance, coexistence, social peace, peace of mind, wisdom, dialogue and human respect, such important elements for our society, but also, of course, for the whole region and the reality where we live… The inauguration of the Odeon is a special event. ..In this central Bektashi shrine, the expression "The house of the Albanian belongs to God and his friend" is best embodied by finding the place it deserves!

The famous painter Omer Kaleshi: “… I am wonderful and in love at the same time with this work that has been done, with this temple of Bektashism. I am doubly happy, because this temple is in my land, in the land of Albanians. I also congratulate the specialists for the functional environments and their completion, such as the museum, library, archive, etc.… I have promised and I will bring an exhibition, I will donate them to the Headquarter..! ”

Robert Elsie, researcher: “ Such things would be the envy of every country, every community. This shrine and its surroundings will be an important center for the documentary enrichment of the history of Bektashism. I am excited and very interested to cooperate and bring to light this work done and the history of the peaceful Bektashi faith in Albania and everywhere in the world ..!

Prepared by:
Xhorxhin Cullhaj