214th anniversary of the tekke of Koshtan, Tepelena

The 214th anniversary of the famous tekke of Kostan in Tepelena was celebrated today, on October 15, 2021.
The ceremony was also attended by the Bektashi World Leader, His Holiness, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, other clerics, officials, many friends and believers.
On July 4, 2021, in this tekke, was erected the new tomb in this blessed place, which is a handful of light more, in the religious and human life of those hard-working and hard-working dervishes and fathers who endured the most sacrifices.
This tekke was rebuilt by Sadik, a father originally from Thessaly, in 1807. In 1908, the first Albanian school for Tepelena was opened. (cultural monument).
The tekke of Koshtan has a very valuable history, which is worth dealing with not only Albanian scholars of Bektashism, but also foreign ones, because through historical stratifications, messages of different cultures, different cultural identities and realities are coming. so different, of the province of Tepelena.
Greetings of the Bektashi World Leader, His Holiness, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj.
Dear brothers, clerics, myhibs and Bektashi believers of the historical tekke of Koshtan.
Dear high representatives of the local government, friends and guests!
I am pleased to thank you for your participation in this Bektashi pilgrimage and allow me in my capacity as Bektashi World Leader to wish you: The Mercy of the All-Merciful, the wisdom of the twelve Imams and the devotion of our fathers, may light and prosperity be upon your lives!
The tekke of Koshtan was build and rebuild two centuries ago, at this blessed height, to give the people of this region hope and courage in facing the difficult life, to show them that on the journey of the followers of Haxhi Bektash Veliu, the idea of ​​devotion to the Creator, remains the first spiritual quality. Because out of love for the Creator, human life reveals other, no less valuable, such as love for the homeland, for the family, for the parents, for the brother you have on your side. This sublime love for each other, remains to this day, the substance of the continuity of our tariqat.
The tekke of Kostan, in addition to a will of God, is also worth seeing as a wisdom of our former fathers, who had prominent in their consciousness, the feeling of love for the homeland. From father Sadik Horasani, to father Ismail Ruçaj, father Muharrem Allkomemaj and to father Ahmet Resulaj from Mavrova of Vlora, the love and respect for the Bektashi order was embodied in the souls of the believers, always, through a boundless love for the lands of the ancients, for human freedom, for the protection of Albania. Evidence of this spirit remain the efforts for autonomy, sheltering freedom fighters, hiding and distributing Albanian books and until the major act of father Ahmeti in 1908 for the opening of the first Albanian school for the boys of Tepelena and Mallakastra.
The second constellation of clergy, from 1920 to 1967, tried to follow in the footsteps of their predecessors, transmitting to the Bektashis of this province, the purest Bektashi and human feelings and making them as hopeful as possible in the face times, no matter how they came about. In the rich history of the Bektashi Holy See, since it was settled in Tirana and until today, the tekke of Koshtan has its deserved place in the religious, moral and social context in full accordance with the steps of the development of this place. We can rightly boast that historically, Bektashi clerics and believers have had a clear, advanced view and action in every situation.
Distinguished guests!
We are all aware of what we removed spiritually, after 1967. You, the people of Koshtan, who had made flower garden this tekke, found yourself one day suddenly on a day of mourning, on the day of the closing of the tekke. The hated regime we went through wanted to turn us all off the path of God because He wanted to mold us and guide us from His ridiculous vision. Time actually gave God the right and we, praying to His majesty, endured to the end, rising again clinging side by side, with each other, in the light of the proverbial wisdom of Haxhi Bektash Veliu.
In this resurrection, in the early 90's, of the century we left behind, we were all together, clergy and believers, mothers and fathers. As for any tekke, our myrshidi, dede Reshat Bardhi showed care for the tekke of Koshtan, no matter how difficult that period of revival. He was here from the first days, listening and receiving the opinions of the clergy of this province, but also yours, of the believers. With his spirit, with that kindness that he distributed until the end, dede Reshati was able to reawaken the tariqat throughout Albania, loving to give another breath to religious and human life itself. Even sending the dervishes here to Xhelal Rasul, undoubtedly served this revival.
But what restored the name and honor of this tekke, is especially related to the sacrifices and deprivations of father Avdyl Shehaj, who passed away a short time ago and that we, together, did the deserved honors. Father Avdyli, with his work, both in this tekke and in Memaliaj, confesses that he walked in the footsteps of his ancestors, wanting the light of our tariqat to illuminate the souls and lives of each of the Tepelena people who visited him. His memory and work will deserve in both these tekkes and beyond, the deepest attention and respect of generations.
Thank you once again for your presence today.
We are all aware of the troubles we go through, just as we are aware that such holidays in this blessed place will fill us with hope, take away some of our worries, bring us closer to the spiritual life, without which we cannot understand the course of human events. Let's unite more with God, tekkes, fathers, that in brotherhood sorrows diminish, while joys increase.
God bless you all!