Regional Conference “Rethinking Religious Tolerance among the Partners of the Western Balkans”


Today, October 21, 2021, was held the regional conference "Rethinking Religious Tolerance between the Partners of the Western Balkans".
This conference was held in the framework of the initiative "Towards a greater intercultural, interfaith dialogue in the Western Balkans", sponsored by the Albanian Helsinki Committee and financially supported by the donor non-profit organization DRA and Civic Solidarity Platform and the Federal Foreign Office of the Republic Federal Republic of Germany.
The conference was attended by the Bektashi World Leader, His Holiness, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, at the same time Chairman of the Inter Religious Council in Albania, representatives of Religious Communities in Albania and from 6 Western Balkan countries, Civil Society partners in the region, representatives Academics as well as Media representatives as a key contributor to promoting peace, security and increasing mutual religious tolerance.
The participants discussed with each other their views and opinions on the situation and the level of respect for religious freedom and intercultural dialogue, interfaith and interfaith cooperation between the countries of the region.
The aim of this conference is to contribute to the promotion of peace through interfaith and interfaith dialogue in the Western Balkans by exchanging not only opinions and experiences between participants representing different religions, but also by giving messages and recommendations on the topics discussed.

Welcoming speech of the Bektashi World Leader, His Holiness, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj.
Dear brothers, leaders of religions and beliefs in Albania!
Honorable Ambassador, leaders of the Albanian Community of Helsinki, friends and guests from the Balkans!
Allow me, as the World Leader of the Bektashis, to thank you for the invitation and pray to the Exalted God that the initiative "Towards a great intercultural, interfaith and interfaith dialogue in the Western Balkans" become a conscious spiritual and human reality. in a comprehensive action, in the service of our peace and prosperity.
Of course when we talk about the importance of dialogue and mutual trust between believers of different religions, we mean individual and collective personalities, diverse historical and social, cultural and heritage identities. However, human history, though so diverse and diverse, has known from its earliest moments, the supreme feelings of faith in God, which travel wonderfully with man to this day.
Regarding the example of Albania, I would say that the term "interfaith dialogue" is no longer found. The truth is that among the Albanian believers, dialogue has not been lacking in any case, but often the joint initiatives, the shared spiritual realities, as well as the spirit with which these realities have been overcome, made us think of a just acceptance of each other. the other, in any historical context. I find it appropriate to recall in this auditorium, the wonderful determination that Pope Francis made to us a few years ago in Tirana, when he spoke of the "religious brotherhood" between us.
If we consider it in terms of historical heritage, this "religious brotherhood" has really been and remains the will of the universality of the All-Merciful, but we can not consider it as something fallen from heaven. At the core of this brotherhood, of this spirit that has made us together, Christians and Muslims even in the most difficult times, is undoubtedly the devotion of believers to the Creator, is the sanctity of the homeland and the nation, regardless of doctrinal perceptions and practices different.
In the eighth year of the Hijrah, when the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, entered the city of Makkah victorious, as we have learned from the history of the religion, all his opponents were afraid of any revenge. But He left this precious Qur'anic message: “O people! We created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and peoples, that you may know one another. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware. (Qur'an, 49-13)
Here I think it is worth seeing also our wonderful heritage in the context of religious brotherhood. Because our believers, before seeing doctrines or practices differently, have been guided in every stage of their spiritual life by devotion to the Creator. The human substance of Islam, as well as Christian mercy, have shared the human destiny of Albanians, making us certainly more determined in the face of the historical tragedy of the Balkans.
It is easily understood that human developments cannot bypass our spiritual constitution. Today's dizzying technology, attempts to influence the heights of the universes, robotic strategies and techniques, whether we like it or not, pave the way for a secular society and invite new generations to follow. It is equally necessary that we, the religious leaders (without opposing any scientific innovation at all) find opportunities and ways of cooperation, not only to bring believers closer to our cult objects, but also to one another, to the love of God, and which would be capable of interacting between generations of believers from different religions and faiths.
None of us today can pass without a deep pain, the idea of ​​dividing the believers into "They and Us". This phenomenon is even more and more gripping Western societies, ignoring the sad divisions of Islam, especially in the Middle East. This disregard for human identity, culture or hereditary fragility (in the name of civic status or numerical calculations of believers) is in fact a blow to the institution of faith itself, and it is here that it is always worthwhile to be together with ideas, visions and our concrete solutions. We have been and remain sons and daughters of one God.
From this point of view, I think that the wonderful symbol of brotherhood or interfaith dialogue in Albania, can not be immune, neither to the "feeds" brought by secular developments or tendencies to politicize religion, or its misuse. So it's worth it to be especially careful in terms of recognizing and respecting the religion or belief of the brother we have in our arms. We have had this relationship in the center of attention also within the activities of the Interfaith Council of Albania, trying in every case to turn faith in God into a spirit, into a hope that transcends any human reality, no matter how sad to be him.
Once again, heartfelt thanks to the organizers!
God bless you all!