IRCA organized Interfaith Forum on the role of religious leaders and youth in preventing extremism and radicalism

The Interreligious Council of Albania in cooperation with the CVE Center organized on November 22, 2021 the Interreligious Forum "The role of religious leaders and youth in preventing extremism and radicalism" with the participation of leaders of religious communities and members of the Board of the Presidency of IRCA, Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Alastair King-Smith, representatives of the US Embassy, ​​a senior delegation from the international organization The Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) based in Switzerland headed by Mr. Kevin Osborne, as well as members of the Executive Board, the Department of Women and the Department of Youth on the Interfaith Council.

Activity moderated initially by Ms. Sheldiana Jano, member of the Executive Board of KNFSH was greeted by the leaders and representatives of the five religious communities in our country, where she initially welcomed H. Dede Edmond Brahimaj, chairman of KNFSH for 2021,  and then greeted H. Bujar Spahiu, Chairman of the Muslim Community of Albania, Mons. George Frendo, Archbishop of the Diocese of Tirana-Durrës, Bishop Asti, Auxiliary Bishop of Archbishop Anastas Janullatos and Pastor Ylli Doçi, President of the Evangelical Brotherhood of Albania.

Religious leaders spoke about the contribution and work that religious communities do in promoting social peace and dialogue, through educating the younger generations to stay away from any radicalism and extremism.

While then spoke Mrs. Dervishi, director of the Center Against Violent Extremism (CVE), at the Prime Ministry office , Mrs. Iris Luarasi, Executive Director of the Counseling Line for Women and Girls, Mr. Kevin Osborne of The Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) and Dr. Genti Kruja, General Secretary of KNFSH.

In the second session moderated by Mrs. Sonila Rembeci, member of the Department of Women in IRCA spoke and discussed members of the Department of Youth, representatives from all religious communities. Thus, Hysni Skura, Alban Petro, Jeta Deda, Evisa Beho and Alesio Sema shared recommendations and results from interfaith workshops and forums held by the Department of Women and the Department of Youth on various issues and topics related to the prevention of hate speech, radicalism and extremism of any kind.