The title “Ring of Tolerance and Peace” for the Bektashi World Grandfather, His Holiness, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, Cologne-Germany

This year's Tolerance and Peace Award Ceremony was organized on Thursday, November 18, 2021, by the Technical University of Cologne, Germany. "With the award we are together setting an example for an open, pluralistic society, whose urgency will continue unabated in 2021," said TH President Stefan Herzig.
The ceremony was moderated by Joachim Frank, Chief Correspondent at Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger. It took place as part of the award ceremony for the rings of tolerance, with which the academy honors people who campaign for cross-border dialogue for peace and against racism. This year the award was given to Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, Grandfather of the Bektashi World Headquarters in Tirana; Andrea Riccardi, Italian historian and founder of the Sant’Egidio Catholic Community; and Walter Homolka, rabbi.
Greetings of the Bektashi World Leader, His Holiness, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj.
Dear organizers of this symbolic event, academics and professors!
Dear brothers, representatives of different religions! I feel lucky to be here today and you will allow me, as the Bektashi World Leader, to wish you all the best and prosperity on the blessed path of universal peace!
The title I receive today, "The Ring of Tolerance and Peace" is more than an honor and pride for me personally. This high title is, without the slightest doubt, a profound appreciation for the mission that our tariqat of Islam has fulfilled over the centuries: that of inspiring peace and prosperity. It is equally an appreciation for all generations of Bektashi clerics, who in the substance of their life and work have always had devotion to the Creator, intertwined with human love and freedom. I would like to start this statement with the phrase: "If a deep gap separates my neighbor's faith from mine, there is always the golden bridge of tolerance, understanding and brotherhood", "To have faith in our path, we do not need to prove that someone else's path is wrong, but to accept another's belief because the ways to believe in God are different, but the goal is the same ”
Born 800 years ago, the sect of which today has millions of followers around the world, included in his doctrine, deep love for the brother you have on your side, regardless of color or race, but only for the sake of love of the Creator. It is unique in all religious history, but nevertheless important to confess here today, that in Bektashism, if a group of believers go to the tekke, receive the spiritual approval and blessing of the dervish or father, from that day on, they become brothers and sisters. sisters, just as if they were of biological parents. Such an act, though centuries have passed, still preserves today the greatness and sublime feelings of spiritual love.
It has undoubtedly been one of the reasons that, although in the history of the tariqats, many lost their splendor or identity, Bektashism on the contrary, came to grow and gain geographical spaces from century to century. We can be proud today that our peaceful doctrine, our wise and all-accepting attitude, inspired by Haji Bektash Veliu in former Asia, is today conveyed miraculously in the Balkans, in Europe, in the United States of America and as far away as Australia.
Especially in my country, Albania, the Bektashi order has fulfilled its historical mission not just as a religious movement, but as a legacy of values ​​of our national identity. Clearly, in the Albanian history of the last two centuries, Bektashism has conceived and built bridges of peace between the fragile balances of Christianity and Islam, guided by the prophetic saying: ‘Without the homeland there is no religion’! This has made Albania survive the most complicated situations, where the Balkan wars and grievances are not over today.
The clear expression of tolerance is expressed by the verse of the Qur'an for all the believers of the Islamic religion which is: "For you it is your religion and for me it is my religion." (Qur'an 109: 6). We can not force others to accept our point of view, our religion or our faith. As it is written in the Holy Qur'an: "There is no obligation in religion" (Qur'an 2: 256). "Because all are created by God Almighty, the Creator of all, people should treat each other with full respect, esteem and kindness." (Qur'an, 17:70).
In the concepts of dialogue and religious harmony in our country, we have always tried to unify, the special and respective traditions of communities, the sacred entity, diverse attitudes, with the developments and spiritual codes of the times we live. We are aware that today's generations are endangered all the "thousand and one traps" that the secularist tradition set for them. At the same time we are just as aware that God, the One, the All-Merciful, guides and directs us to lead this generation through sacrifices of all kinds. We remain hopeful that any kind of barrier of material, temporary things can be overcome by a heart filled with love for God. Islam can tolerate anything, but it teaches zero tolerance for injustice, oppression and violation of the rights of other human beings.
It is written in the Glorious Qur'an: “And why you do not fight in the way of Allah and of the afflicted, when they are weak? Men, women and children, whose call is: “Our Lord! "Save us from this city whose inhabitants are unjust, and bring us out from among you one who will protect us, and bring out from among you one who will help." Each of us must contribute and give his brightest and most powerful assets, one of them being tolerance, a heavy cornerstone of a developing society.
Distinguished guests!
Islam as a living religion and parallel to human nature and especially the Bektashi tariqat teaches its followers to preserve human life in a comprehensive way, regardless of religion, race and origin. At the same time, it teaches people to be ready to fight any threat, tyranny and persecution that endangers human security this signifies religious tolerance.
Islam practices tolerance that is forgiving and generous. Peace of mind is the power that can subdue and defeat the enemy with wisdom and as a fortress that can resist Satan's rebellion. Therefore, Islam often teaches its followers to be forgiving in the lives of other religions, the forgiving attitude of the noble mind and humanity, and to respect the rights of others. The policy of tolerating differences in Islam requires reconciliation with history as well as a reconciliation (as in the relationship between Islam and modernity) that must first come from within the faith and the soul.
What I want to share with you, regardless of the festive protocol of this ceremony, is exactly the idea that: the "jewel" of tolerance and inter-religious dialogue, we Albanians have not been given once and for all. Especially in these last years, when the age of virtual technology reveals its own codes of communication, conveying ideas and visions, we deserve to be careful. That is why every day we get closer to our customary traditions, the essence of faith.
Once the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was asked: "What is Imaan (faith / belief)?" He (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) replied: "Iman (faith) is patience, wisdom and tolerance." Tolerance and patience are characteristic of true faith, good conduct, and righteous and steadfast character.
It is worth being sensitive but also united in our attitudes, in the face of all challenges, no matter where they come from. Always in the name of today's generations, of those to come, of universal prosperity and peace. The attitude of tolerance requires that the differences that exist in terms of religion, belief, attitude and understanding do not serve as a dividing line in a good relationship between people in all walks of life. Rather, the human soul must be nourished in order to be inclined towards building a harmonious relationship in life in the face of the divisions that the time in which we are living dictates. By being tolerant of human dignity and character, restraint can be formed and bridges of tolerance and understanding built.
Since every year on November 16 we celebrate the International Day of Tolerance, and the award ceremony is very close to this date I would like to underline the fact that in our common world, promoting tolerance is a way to build harmony between diversity which will provide a better future. We should all aim at caring for human values, promoting social responsibility, in a word, uniting the world in one family ”because, in essence, tolerance is a condition for peace.
Thank you once again for today's title! God bless you all! Amin!