Dignified presentation of the Bektashi World Headquarters, at the “Book Fair-2021”

From the first day of the "Book Fair-2021", in the Palace of Congresses in Tirana, (17-21.11.2021), the stand of the Bektashi World Headquarters, had many visitors and buyers. This is not only for the fact of space, quantity and quality of publications, systematic promotion in the print and visual media, of the publications of the Holy See, but also for the consolidated practice of approaching it of well-known domestic and foreign creators with their studies and works on Bektashism. Sources from the organizers say that in addition to the purchase of exhibited titles, by various individuals and personalities, there were requests for other book titles, with the object of Bektashism. Thus, a good part of these requests was realized on the morning of the second day of the fair.
"For the best possible participation in this fair, we have worked long in the span of a year, where at every step, has been the support and help of the Bektashi World Leader, His Holiness, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj. The special titles of this fair are books about Bektashism and its personalities, written especially by authors and publicists of the Holy See and others, contacted, well-known names in this field, historians, scholars and theologians in Albania and out of it. "Thanks to the preparatory work, we see that they have given effect since the first day of the fair" - affirms, among others, Nuri Çuni, Secretary General of the Bektashi World Headquarters.
The above sources add that among the titles of books requested since the first day of the fair are: "Dede Reshat Bardhi-Album"; "Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, 10 years World Leader of Bektashism"; "In Istanbul, to Naimi", "Father Ali Tomorri", "Traces of the Iliaz dervish"; "Bektashi Notebook"; "Dede Ahmet Myftari"; "Father Shefqet Gllava, martyr of democracy"; “Tek Abaz Aliu”; "True power of water " etc…
At the same time, the appearance of the Bektashi Holy See in this book fair has aroused interest in the print and television media, which reflected not only the information about the stands, the titles of the books presented, but also various interviews.
It is expected that in the coming days, interest in this Bektashi appearance will increase.

(Photos: Nuri Çumani)

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