Conference “Bektashism in Albanian culture”

Within the infrastructure of scientific research in religious sciences, RESILIENCE, "Albanian University", together with the World Headquarters of Bektashism organized the conference "Bektashism in Albanian culture" with the presence of the World Head, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj and Rector of "Albanian University" Prof. Dr. Pavllo Kongo.

For the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at "Albanian University", Prof. Dr. Kaliopi Naska “The development of this scientific conference and photo exhibition dedicated to the history of Bektashism in Albanian culture, aims to shed light on contributions to mainly literary, historical, documentary, architectural issues of Bektashi cultural heritage and will unveil the research path made on the trail historical and cultural history of the Bektashi order in the spiritual, social and national life of the Albanians ”.

Prof. Assoc. Dr. Genta Rexha gave an overview on the infrastructure of scientific research in religious sciences, RESILENCE, part of which "Albanian University" is, along with other European Institutions.

In his speech, the World Leader of the Bektashis, His Grace, Haji Dede Edmond Brahimaj said that “Bektashism is a mystical path of the Islamic religion, which helps in the perfection of man. Bektashism is for the spirit of tolerance and interfaith cooperation. Religion is the mind. We hold God in our hearts in addition to the religion to which we belong. "We are sacred if we behave with morals, education and values."

Researcher Nuri Çuni and Sheldiana Agaraj spoke to students about the history of the Bektashi order in Albania and the architecture of tekkes, hierarchy, clothing, ritual.

Students of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Economics at the "Albanian University" showed interest in the history and values ​​that this belief shows in the Albanian culture of religious beliefs