On the proposal of IRCA the President of the Republic, SHT.Z. Ilir Meta, awards the journalist, Mr. Ferdinand Samarxhi, with the title “Honor of the Nation”

Today,with the proposal of the Interreligious Council of Albania, the President of the Republic, .SHT.Z. Ilir Meta, awarded the well-known journalist, Mr. Ferdinand Samarxhi, with  the title "Honor of the Nation".

Ferdinand Samarxhiu is the voice of all religious communities, who through the common screen of all Albanians, the Albanian Public Radio and Television made possible the transmission of religious news since the first years of freedom of religion, in the '90s.

Speech of the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj

Honorable President of the Republic, Your Excellency Mr. Ilir Meta! Honorable senior leaders of religious communities in Albania! Dear journalists and friends, Mr. Samarxhi! It is my special pleasure to thank you for your participation in this event and let me greet you all in the capacity of the Chairman of the Interreligious Council of Albania. May the Exalted God grant peace and goodness to your families! May the Exalted God bless our Albania and the Albanians, wherever they are! The high decoration given today to Mr. Ferdinand Samarxhi, is a deep appreciation of all his work, sacrifice and self-denial, in terms of restoring faith in God in Albania after the '90s. It is a respect that goes hand in hand with his devotion, in one of the most difficult periods of religious history in our country, just when it was worthwhile for everyone to stand up, with faith and spirit, to throw behind their backs that sad reality of atheism and religious obscurantism. It is just as important to remember today that this decoration is an appreciation for a much wider group of journalists, cameramen, directors, etc. who together with their friend and tone Mr. Saramarxhin, stepped in every inch of Albanian lands, near every church, tekke, mosque or any other place of worship, bringing it out of oblivion, confessing the past, drawing highlights the endurance, courage and other equally valuable features of the Albanian believers. May God grant to His attention, all this excellent army of journalists! Distinguished guests! As Chairman of the Interreligious Council of Albania, today it was my turn to greet this modest ceremonial. But I am sure that any of the religious leaders in Albania would not find it at all difficult to talk about our brother, Mr. Samarxhi, as his work is spread evenly in all five of our communities, reflecting at every moment with the responsibility of the journalist and the citizen, all our achievements, but also highlighting our every problem. Of course, as the Bektashi World Leader, I personally remember many episodes, which are not the place and time to discover them. But with Mr. Samarxhi we climbed even in the most remote tekkes, wanting to fix moments that would later constitute the history of Bektashism of this period. I can not stay without remembering today, that Ferdinand has been and remains also one of the close friends and collaborators of dede Reshat Bardhi, my great ancestor, with whom he shared many long days and nights of travel, not only in Albanian areas, but also beyond, in many countries of the world. Many parts of the history of the Bektashis in this period of freedom of religion in Albania, as well as of other religious communities, are related to the film crews and the journalism of Mr. Samarxhi. This prides Mr. ar Samarxhi first, but also all those who happened to be close to him and helped him in this great mission, in the care to truly reflect every aspect of religious life. Therefore, on behalf of all, I once again congratulated my brother, Samarxhiu, being convinced that he will continue to carry out his mission. God bless you all! Amin! ”