Regional Conference: “Prophet Muhammad (a.s), the man of special dimensions”

The Muslim community of Albania held a regional conference on the premises of the University College "Bedër", with the theme: "Prophet Muhammad (a.s), the man of special dimensions."

This conference, was opened with the reading of the Holy Qur'an by Hafiz Enes Hyka, brought together theologians, academics, scholars, representatives and leaders of the Islamic religious communities of Kosovo, Northern Macedonia and Switzerland.

In the greeting session, were present H. Bujar Spahiu, Chairman of the Muslim Community of Albania, Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Gjana, Rector of the University College "Bedër", Head of the Islamic Religious Community of Northern Macedonia, H. Shaqir Fetahu, Secretary General of the Islamic Community of Kosovo, h. Ahmet Sadriu, Chairman of the Muslim Community of Switzerland, H. Mehas Alia, and World Bektashi Grandfather, His Holiness, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj.

In his speech, the Chairman of Myslim Community, Mr. Spahiu, after thanking the participants for participating in this commemorative conference of the Prophet Muhammad ,focused on the responsibility that falls on all researchers and theologians in protecting society from misinformation and distortion of this just and true religion as well as in promoting the life and work of our beloved Prophet (as).

The Bektashi World Leader, His Holiness, Hajji Dede Edmond Brahimaj, in his speech emphasized the messages of peace, love and kindness of the Prophet Muhammad (a.s.), messages which are inspiration for humanity until the last day.

While the Rector of "Bedër", Prof. Gjana welcomed the participants in the conference and congratulated the Muslim Community of Albania for its organization. During his speech, he also noted the contribution of Bedër University in the preparation of young theologians, who are a valuable asset for Albanian society.

The head of the Islamic Religious Community of Northern Macedonia, Mr. Fetahu said that such gatherings enable us to bring Muhammad  as close as possible, to touch him, to learn from him and to analyze him as the perfect model of Allah Almighty to guide all mankind to the world in which we live.

The Secretary General of the Islamic Community of Kosovo, Mr. Sadri, shared with those present the values ​​of commemorating the month of the birth of the Prophet (a.s.). He also said that Muhammad (a.s.) is an example to be followed by Muslims and beyond.

The conference was further developed with two scientific sessions, where invited researchers  theologians and academics shared with the audience a range of topics, such as: "The Virtues of Muhammad before and after the prophethood", "His role as a leader and the evaluation of capacities "," The role of the wives of the Prophet in conveying the divine message "," The Prophet Muhammad the most perfect example as an educator and head of the family "," Social morality based on the principle of trust according to the example of Muhammad  ”, etc.

Greetings of the Bektashi World Leader, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj:
"Dear my brother, the Chairman of the Muslim Community of Albania, Haxhi Bujar Spahiu!
Dear rector, lecturers and organizers of "Bedër" University!
I am lucky to be in this auditorium today and in the capacity of Bektashi World Leader, let me convey my best wishes to you! May the Exalted Lord pay attention to you and our entire spiritual family!
There is no doubt that our meetings in the context of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him! I am happy to participate in this important events.
These marked days, bring to the memory of today generations of Muslims all over the World, the opening of a door of knowledge, mercy, brotherhood against ignorance, wars and grievances of tribal societies. The presence of "Rahman" in every text when talking about our Prophet, in all the writings and articulations of generations of Muslims, confesses that his features, elevated to the highest levels of holiness, became motivating for millions of followers.
Although He is not superhuman, He has the precious merit, to raise from the mire of that time himself human honor and dignity, in forms completely imperceptible before. While up to that time, human honor and dignity were synonymous with tribal courage, the Muhammadan era identified these qualities with the qualities of the heart, directing them devotedly towards the creator and instilling in the Arab tribes a collective sense of identity.
Even today in this context, the words of our Prophet in His farewell speech, where among other things he said: “O people! In fact, God has eradicated the feeling of honor from your mind and has placed pride in the origin… ..We are all sons of Adam, and Adam is from the earth ”. This call for love with the brother you have on your side, regardless of color, race, ethnicity sounds are still relevant today, in this turbulent world with wars and controversies of all kinds, from those about the universe, to nuclear weapons, to the global climate and to the mouths of millions of poor people. What does the world pandemic tell us, the murderous traces of which are still fresh? Exactly that "Works of the soul" is doing day by day, against other problems, whatever they are. The fact that developed countries are applying the third vaccine against Covid-19, while millions of poor people have not yet taken the first dose and it is not known whether they will ever do it or not, is sad in purely human terms and quite miserable in context of religious brotherhood.
This example and the hundreds of others that surround us every day, are undoubtedly of spiritual faith, are the alarm bells that ring for human society itself. These truths lead us to believe that the model of thought, feeling, supplication and historical responsibility of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. They should be invoked by all of us not merely as virtues of a former memory, but as movements within our universal family of Islam. At the same time all together, it is worthwhile for us to be sensitive to these realities (as sons of the same God) by raising cooperative energies aware of the challenges of human society.
Wishing good luck to this meeting,
God bless you all!
Amin! ”