The World Grandfather, Dede Edmond Brahimaj, participates in the appreciation ceremony of Monsignor George Frendo with the high decoration “Mother Teresa” by the President of the Republic.

Today, December 24, 2021, on the eve of Christmas, in the presence of all the leaders of our religious communities, the President of the Republic of Albania, Mr. Ilir Meta,  gave the High Decoration "Mother Teresa", Monsignor George Frendo, one of the most prominent personalities of the Catholic Church in Albania, with the motivation: "In appreciation of the valuable contribution and activity for the revival of spiritual faith and hope for a better future, as well as active participation in the Interfaith Council and in many vital social issues. With gratitude for the consolidation of the institutions of cult and religious belief, as well as for the strengthening, further enrichment and promotion of harmony, tolerance and inter-religious coexistence of the Albanian people. "
Greetings of the Bektashi World Leader, His Holiness, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj:
“Dear President of the Republic, Your Excellency Mr. Ilir Meta!
Dear brothers, religious leader in Albania!
Dear friends and believers of every religion and belief in our country, Monsignor Frendo!
This occasion that has united us all today, gives me the special pleasure that, in the capacity of the Bektashi World Leader as well as the Chairman of the Interfaith Council of Albania, to convey to you the warmest wishes: Long live and blessed in Your noble mission! May the Exalted Lord give you the reward you deserve for all your contributions to the divine and human life!
All of us, but also the hundreds of thousands of believers we represent, have the right to be excited and proud in such moments, because no matter who is awarded the high title, joy always remains common. Because in our major movement towards the attention and greatness of the Creator, in the continual triumph of spiritual and moral priorities against global and secularist developments, in the struggle and daily efforts to be as close to each other as possible, we have been able to achieve that miracle. which Pope Francis rightly, in Tirana a few years ago, eloquently called "religious brotherhood."
My brother George Frendo!
For so many years we have worked together, for so many warm meetings and conversations we have had, it will take me nights to confess Your great heart, Your deep thought, and your clarity in taking on responsibilities. Whereas today, I can say that you have been and will remain a brother, a parent, a loving teacher, not only for the flock of Catholic believers in Albania, but also for us, other religious communities.
You have been and remain special in religious devotion, as well as in the human dimension, often raising your voice before the concerns of my nation, helping with bread, with food, with the advice of thousands of poor people and above all, by us giving hope for the very difficult situations we have gone through together. You remain an eternal missionary in achieving and keeping alive our religious brotherhood.
The title awarded today by the President of the Republic, His Excellency Mr. Ilir Meta, (whom I sincerely thank) is a modest reward for your valuable contributions.
God bless my brother, Monsignor Frendo!
God bless us all!
Amin! ”