Today, 11 years since the election of Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj to the post of World Grandfather Bektashian

The election to the high post of the World Grandfather of the Bektashi, His Holiness, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj (June 11, 2011)

Today, on June 11, 2022, it is 11 years since Dede Edmond Brahimaj was elected to the highest position, that of the World Grandfather of the Bektashis. The commemoration of this date is an event not only for millions of Bektashis everywhere in the world, His Bektashian clerical brothers, but also for many friends around the globe. The choice of Dede Edmond Brahimaj, in this important post, replacing His myrshid, the former Bektashian World Grandfather, Haxhi Dede Reshat Bardhi, who left this life, the work full of dynamism and dedication, has been continuously appreciated, not only as the leader of the Bektash believers, but all other factors in Albania, Europe and the whole world, for the growth and expansion of the ranks of the Bektash believers, the motto of this peaceful faith "No homeland, no religion", preaching and effective engagement in strengthening peace universal, religious coexistence and unwavering faith in the Great God.
With this anniversary of his election as the World Grandfather of the Bektashians, the best wishes for Dede Mondi come from all over the globe and millions of other believers and friends: Health, prosperity and further success in your noble mission, Dede Edmond Brahimaj!
Here are some fragments from the biography of Dede Edmond Brahimaj:
Dede Edmond Brahimaj, the World Great Grandfather of the Bektashians, was born in Tirana on May 19, 1959, from parents who were devout believers of Bektashism, originally from the village of Brataj in Vlora. After finishing the 8-year school, he continued his studies at the "Skënderbej" military high school, which he finished with high results. Subsequently, he was given the right to attend higher military studies at the Academy of Land Forces, today "Skënderbej Academy". From 1982 until 1990, he served in various military functions, in Burrel, Peshkopi and Librazhd. With the revival of the Bektashi faith, at the end of the 90s, together with other clergy and believers, he participated in the Organizational Council of the Holy See of the World Bektashi Headquarter.
At the beginning of 1991, at his request, he was released from the military function, taking over the burden for the organization of the Bektashian Community. It is worth emphasizing that even in the most difficult conditions, when the exercise of religious faith in Albania was prohibited by a special article of the Constitution, his parents' house in Tirana has served to keep Bektashism alive, being greatly endangered by the regime that not sorry.
On January 2, 1992, he surrendered to his spiritual leader, Haxhi Dede Reshat Bardhi and Baba Barjam Mahmutaj, thus finally entering the path of the enlightened Pir, Haxhi Bektash Veli. On May 16, 1996, he was consecrated with the "Dervish" order and immediately, he was assigned to the Teqe of Turani, in the Bektashian Korçë Tekke.
His tireless work for the continuity and revival of the Bektash faith in Librazhd, Pogradec, Mokër, Korçë, Devoll and Kavajë, led to the fact that on April 13, 1997, he was decreed with the title "Father" and, after passing from this life, father Bajram Mahmutaj is appointed as the first deputy of the Bektashi Grandfather, Haxhi Dede Reshat Bardhi. In this high function, his contribution has been valuable especially in the ideation, preparation and implementation of the next three congresses of Bektashism. Even in the last two congresses (Tirana 2000 and 2005) he reported in the capacity of the head of the High Grandfather Council.
In March 2006, with the passing away of Baba Tahir Emin, he was also appointed to the position of grandfather of the Bektashi grandmother in Macedonia. His contribution to this homeland has been both in terms of organizing the communities of believers there, as well as in terms of international recognition. Both in Korça and Tetovo, Haxhi Baba Edmond Brahimaj has manifested the outstanding qualities of the Bektashi cleric in the doctrinal, moral and civic aspects, transforming into the factor of religious tolerance among other faiths. In 2004, for his valuable contribution, the Korça District Council honored him with the highest title, "Korça District Honor".
He has received many thanks and high consideration from the governments of Albania and Macedonia, civil associations, also the diplomatic corps accredited in Skopje, has highly appreciated him as a man with all the attributes of a religious leader, especially for his peaceful role in 'Harabati Baba', from Tetovo, and his way of dealing with legal discrimination against the Bektashian Community, using wisdom, sweet words and wit.
Since 1992 onwards, Haxhi Baba Edmond Brahimaj has participated in trainings of prestigious international organizations, doctrinal courses, symposia and various activities of a religious, humanitarian and social character, where he has also referred, bringing there the voice and experiences of Bektashi communities everywhere in the world. Thus, in1996 he referred to Tehran regarding the Bektashi tolerance in the Balkan territories. On June 14, 2003, at the International Conference "Religions and Civilizations in the New Millennium" he referred to the challenges of Bektashism in the future. In June 2004, as part of the training of the organization of the traditional Albanian religious communities, he visited the White House in the USA. From the board of this organization, he deserved the title "Ambassador of Peace". He went to the USA from the State Department and from the American embassy in Albania for a period of 21 days for the diversity of religion in the USA. He participated several times in the celebrations of August 16 in Haxhi Bektash, Turkey, where he was received by senior leaders of the Turkish state as well as those of the "Haxhi Bektash Veliut" Institute, near Gaz University in Turkey. Also, he has been present and contributed with his lectures in similar activities in Tirana, Skopje, Pristina, Ohrid, Istanbul, Ankara, Afiyon, Stuttgart, Cologne, and in Detroit, USA. He is a participant in the World Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, in 204, as well as participated in visits to the holy places in Jerusalem, Israel, in 2007. He was also invited to the 33rd World Congress for "Freedoms Religious" in India and has lit the torch of this activity, together with the prominent religious leader, the Dalai Lama. He participated in three world conferences on religion in Macedonia, from 2006-2011.
Dede Edmond Brahimaj has completed his law studies at the State University of Tetova, in North Macedonia.
By extra decision dated 11.06.2011 (160, in the protocol, dated 04.07.2011) of the High Grandmother Council of the World Grandmother, after the passing of Haxhi Dede Reshat Bardhi on 11.06.2011, he was elected to the high position of World Grandfather of Bektashis. These years, as the World Grandfather of the Bektashians, His Grace, Haxhi Baba Edmond Brahimaj, has worked with dedication continuing the path of Dede Reshat Bardhi, the Bektash tradition in institutional relations inside and outside the country. In recent years, there has been a busy agenda in various international activities around the world, the most important of which are: Meeting with representatives of the Council of Europe on religious issues in 2012; the meeting with high dignitaries of Turkey, Prime Minister Erdogan, the Turkish President and high representatives of the Muslim Community of Turkey in 2013; participant in the Conference for the 100th anniversary of the "Vatra" Society in 2013; meeting with White House dignitaries in the USA, with Sheti's secretary, John Kerry in 2013; participant in the World Peace Conference in Peja, Kosovo, year 2013; visit to the holy places of Iraq, in the cities of Najaf, Karbala, Kufa, Baghdad, in April 2014; He participated in the Peace Summit in Seoul in September 2014.
He met Pope Francis in Tirana on September 21, 2014, as well as in Rome in 2016;
He participated in the international activity for a peace between peoples, October 9-12, Palermo-Italy, 2014, etc...
He received honorary titles:
- "Ambassador of Peace", 2004
- "Honor of Korça District", 2004.
- "Honorary Citizen" of Zerqan-Bulqizë Municipality, June 10, 2014
- "Honorary Citizen" of Martanesh-Bulqizë Municipality, June 29, 2014
- "Honorary Citizen" of Bogovë-Skrapar Municipality, August 22, 2014
- "Honorary Citizen" of Frashër-Përmet Municipality, May 25, 2014.
- "Prominent personality of Labëria, Association "Labëria", February 2015
- "Honorary Citizen" of Fier District, March 2015.
- "Honorary Citizen of Berat District, May 2015.
-Order "Knight of Skanderbeg" September 7, 2015 by the President of the Republic.
-Dr. Honorus Causa, UN Mission, September 2016
- Honor of Bulqiza Municipality, October 2016
- Acknowledgment by President Obama USA, January 2017.
- Gold Award "Icon of Peace" United Nations Association, "G.O.D Awards" October 2017.
- "Honorary Citizen" of Skrapar, Skrapar Municipality, January 2018.
- "Honorary Citizen" of the Nationwide Patriotic Cultural Association "Frashëri Brothers" - Përmet, May 2018.
- Medal "Gjergj Kastriot Skënderbeu" from the Government of Kosovo July 17, 1919.
-The "Ring of Peace Tolerance" award, November 18, 2021, Cologne-Germany. (The Academy awards personalities who campaign for cross-border dialogue for peace and against racism, etc...

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Në ceremoninë e 10 vjetorit të zgjedhjes në postin e lartë të Kryegjyshit Botëror të Bektashinjve (11 qershor 2021)

11 qershor 2011