100 Years Together: In honor of the 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Albania and the United States, the U.S. Embassy in Tirana hosted the premier of a special documentary last night commemorating the history of relations. Guests included current and former government officials, politicians, academics, business leaders, religious representatives, military officials, media, NGOs/civil society, and youth. “I hope you become even more convinced that the bond between our countries is special and strong, and it will endure. It is a bond that transcends any one government, leader, or person. It is a bond between two peoples joined in our belief in freedom, democracy, prosperity, and justice. It is a bond that cannot be broken.” – Ambassador Yuri Kim noted in the documentary. The 100th anniversary documentary is a co-production of TV Klan and the U.S. Embassy. The full documentary will air on TV Klan soon, so stay tuned for more details.