Archive. The rare document of 1967 is revealed, the decree of Dede Ahmeti for the appointment, after passing from his life, of Reshat Bardhi, the World Leader of the Bektashis

By Shelda (AGARAI) – JANO

On the tenth anniversary of the death of Dede Reshat Bardhi (April 2, 2011; ceremony April 4, 2011), a rare document is discovered in the archives, the decree of the former Bektashi World Leader, Dede Ahmeti, for his appointment, after his death, of Reshat Bardhi, World Leader of the Bektashis. The document dated 30.06.1967, was signed by Dede Ahmeti, bears the seal of the institution, currently, is located in the Central Archive of the Bektashi Holy See in Tirana. By publishing this document, the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, highlights the important role and contribution that these two clerics have in the management of the Bektashi Holy See in the most difficult periods of the eight hundred year journey of this peaceful faith. This document (testament) is of special importance for the golden traces of the Bektashi tradition and the role of the clergy in fulfilling the sacred mission of the Bektashi clergy, the messages of continuity for the path of Haxhi Bektash Veliu, the belief in the Great God and strengthening brotherhood, peace and goodness. This document was signed by Dede Ahmeti in 1968, a time when in Albania, the practice of religion and the closure of religious institutions had just been banned by law. But the foresight of Dede Ahmeti, with the appointment after his death of Reshat Bardhi at the head of the Holy See in that dark time, reflected first of all, the unwavering belief that the veil of atheism would soon be removed and allowed the exercise of religious belief. Exactly after the political changes of 1990, the reopening of religious institutions, his decree is implemented, Dede Reshat Bardhi is put in charge of millions of Bektashis “- affirms, among others, the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj.

The holy decree of Dede Ahmeti

The decree of Dede Ahmeti, in addition to the historical importance for the continuation of Bektashism, also reflects other elements of the rigorous practice of the Holy See in documenting various events and happenings. Here are excerpts from this decree: “… In the name of God, Most Gracious and Most Merciful / Holy decree./ Dede Ahmeti (seick in Vlora) / Deed-rendering in favor of my Deserved Son, Dervish Reshat S. Bardhi / BISMILAHI- RRAHMANI RRAHIM / In the name of God who is the light of the heavens and the earth-the revealer of commands Torah, Psalms, Injil and Qur’an – Incomparable Creator in painting and placing beings in certain shapes and places in the name of the great Prophet Muhammad ( as), which is the confirmation of all the Prophets. In the name of the King of Men Ali-Murtaza who is the Light of Holiness in both eras before the Prophet Muhammad with the secrets and after the blissful time and until the Hour it is opened to him. On behalf of the 12 legitimate Imams, Ali and Mahdi. In the name of the Holy verse by the Mahdi and Hynqar Haxhi BektashVeliu, Sejid Hysejn Ballëm Sultan, to all the Dedelers until you have my myrshidi Halim Ruhi Baba who gave me the right of legitimate replacement according to the decree No. 1 dated 8 June 1948 in Tirana, in based on the conditions that were created in the Albanian land in 1967 and at the same time seeing that I am physically ill, but quite okay mentally and spiritually, I willingly rank with the rank of Baba and Caliph – my deputy with all the rights I own, based on the Decrees, His Holiness Dervish Reshat S. Bardhi, naming him “HALIFE RESHAT LUAN BABA”. As long as I am alive, this is my first deputy and with my passing, he gains all the rights of representation with all the competencies defined in my Holy Decrees that are in the hands of Khalifa Luan Babaj. Not the love in my person, but the love he has for EHLIBEJT and their Light, forced me to make this decision, because he has all the right skills and materials for guidance. – I order all the Bektashi clergy and believers – not only of Albania, but all, our globe, to know him in my country because this is the brightest mirror that will lead with dignity. – The wise honor him with their wisdom, the brave protect him with their bravery, the generous help him with their generosity. All believers without exception submit to Him and receive Light from Him, just as the stars receive light from the Sun. The great inn that is the Magnificent Gate to see the living beings in detail, Ballëm Sultan, the consecrated Dedelers and all the good that the earth and the sky have, a crown on top to be o charged with this mission Halife Reshat Luan Baba! And to you dear children Claire and believer, muhib and ashika that you are and will come, may you be the only shining light in the centuries! Whatever God says, do it. What God says do not do, stop! / Glory  to the Lord of the universe! / Respect for the good of our path! / Let life cost me, but the Righteousness from me Fakir will not be violated./ Servant of the servant of God himself , / AHMED M. DEDE (dv) / Vlora on 30.6.1967 / The unit with the original written by His Eminence Ahmed M. Dede, the World Supreme Leader of the Bektashis and attached to this sacred decree, is strictly confirmed. / Transcriber: Ibrahim Hasnaj (Hima) ”

Dede Reshat Bardhi passed away on April 2, 2011, while the funeral ceremony, after the homage at the Palace of Congresses, took place on April 4 of the same year. Today, in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of this event, a series of religious and commemorative activities begin at the Holy See. While on Sunday, April 4, 2021, at 11:00, is Mawludi. Also during this day, the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, is expecting  visits.

Statement of Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj
This document (testament) is of special importance for the golden traces of the Bektashi tradition and the role of the clergy in fulfilling the sacred mission of the Bektashi clergy, the messages of continuity for the path of Haxhi Bektash Veliu, the belief in the Great God and strengthening brotherhood, peace and goodness. This document was signed by Dede Ahmeti in 1968, a time when in Albania, the practice of religion and the closure of religious institutions had just been banned by law. But the foresight of Dede Ahmeti, with the appointment after his death of Reshat Bardhi at the head of the Holy See in that dark time, reflected first of all, the unwavering belief that the veil of atheism would soon be removed and allowed the exercise of religious belief. Exactly after the political changes of 1990, the reopening of religious institutions, his decree is implemented, headed by millions of Bektashis, Dede Reshat Bardhi is placed.