Bektashi believers celebrate today ‘Ashura Day’, World Grandfather His Grace Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj: “God bless the Albanians, we hope to return to our rites”

Today, in the premises of the Bektashi World Headquarters, the Holy See, under the special care of the World Leader, His Grace Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, was celebrated the Ashura ceremony, a traditional Bektashi rite, which venerately commemorates the hero of Q Imam Hyseni and 72 martyrs, who sacrificed themselves, to the point of human, sublime sacrifice, for the protection of the ideals of life.
The World Leader, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Baba Edmond Brahimaj, after the keynote address, where he wished the believers and Albanians for more peace, love, brotherhood to walk in the path of God, conducted a special ritual in memory and honor of Imam Hysen and the 72 martyrs of Karbala.
The day of Ashura, is one of the marked days for millions of Bektashis around the world and benefactors of this peaceful faith.
Under the direction of the World Leader, all measures were taken, seen and evaluated in detail, so that, as traditionally, this marked event is successful.
During his speech, the Grandfather, while congratulating the believers on this holiday, prayed for all Albanians.
“With patience to face this ordeal with courage to face even the most difficult times for the whole of human society, we are succeeding that in no case have we lost and will not lose faith in God and the goodness of his universal, ”he said.
Among other things, the Grandfather stated that due to the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, he hopes that the believers will return to religious rites
Fasting {Matem}
Matem, whose closing ceremony took place yesterday at 12:00 in the Holy See of the Bektashi World Headquarters in Tirana, under the direction of the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, was the last day of the ten-day fast. followed on Tuesday (today, September 1, 2020), with the ashura ceremony. What is Mathem?
… Until the day of Ashura is done Matemi, which is the fast of mourning, or the memorial mourning. The fast of the Bektashis and other Alevi sects, which lasts 10 days of the lunar month of Muharram (Muharram is the beginning of the new Hijri year according to the Muslim calendar). During these days, Bektashi, Muslim and Alevi believers everywhere in the world, for 10 days in a row, commemorate as a sign of mourning and respect, the 72 martyrs who fell heroes in Karbala, led by Imam Husayn (approximately October 20, 680 AD Christ, in Iraq). These days Bektashis and others gather in various tekkes where the leaders recite the Hadith aloud, perform the daily ritual commemorating the sufferings of the prophets and the tragic event of Karbala, for their sacred service for the good of mankind, preaching the way of justice, peace, brotherhood and human perfection. The first night is dedicated to the sufferings of the prophets: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses and Christ; the second for the Prophet Muhammad; the third for Imam Ali; the fourth for Imam Hasan; the fifth for Imam Husayn (his birth and life); the sixth for Imam Husayn (his escape from Medina to Mecca); the seventh for Myslym Achilles (the murder of him and his two sons, Myftar and Ibrahim); the eighth for Imam Husayn (his departure for Kufa); the ninth for Imam Husayn (mourning in Karbala) and, the tenth night, for Imam Husayn (his martyrdom and other martyrs). These days no water is drunk, etc.
On the tenth day of Matem, to end this period of fasting, a final ceremony takes place in the tekke. This ceremony begins at the end of the tenth night. Believers drink the water of life, the syrup and after that, the ashura is set on fire and from this moment, the next day “Ashura Day” continues. Ashura is the special dessert that gets the name of this day – The tenth day means Ashura. Ashura on the tenth day of the month of Muharram marks the anniversary of the death of Imam Husayn in Karbala. Ashura is cooked with wheat, water, starch, beans, corn, dried figs, raisins, nuts, sugar (or honey, jam, cider), cinnamon. In the religious ceremony it is recited religious prayers in a mourning silence. Then visits are made, the people and the believers, eat the ashura.