Bektashi World Leader, His Grace Haji Dede Edmond Brahimaj sets iftar on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan

On Tuesday, May 11, 2021, under the special care of the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace Haji Dede Edmond Brahimaj, the Bektashi World Headquarters, held an iftar on the occasion of the Holy Month of Ramadan.
Present at the iftar were: US Ambassador Yuri Kim, Israeli Ambassador to Albania Noah Gendler, representatives of friendly countries accredited in Tirana, representatives of religious communities, media leaders and journalists, benevolent friends of Bektashism.
The World Leader thanked the participants in the iftar held in this Holy month and, among other things, said: ” Dear brothers, leaders of religions and beliefs in Albania! Very honorable Excellencies Ambassadors, representatives of friendly countries accredited in Tirana! Dear friend and collaborator of the Bektashi Holy See in Tirana, Ambassador of Israel, Mr. Noah Gal Gendler!
Distinguished guests, benevolent friends of Bektashism! I am very happy to be together tonight, at this iftar dinner, at this assembly and love table, at the end of the blessed month and full of sacrifices of Ramadan. May the peace and blessings of God be upon all those who fasted morally, spiritually and physically, but also upon all others, non-Muslims who with their goodness have made this month easier for us! For us Bektashis, as for all Muslims, there is nothing more significant than these common evenings, with Orthodox and Catholic Christians, evangelicals, representatives of tarikat, Jewish believers and of other faiths. And the Lord Himself delights in seeing us thus, together, in the Holy brotherhood of devotion to Him, in the wonderful religious and human unity. I am sincerely very pleased, to repeat often in such cases, the high consideration of Pope Francis, who a few years ago, during his visit to Albania, called this spirit of cooperation and harmony our “religious brotherhood”. Especially we, the high representatives of the religious communities in our country, must think and work in every beat of our heart, manifesting the desires and the struggle for religious freedom and peace not just here, in the Balkans or Europe, but in the whole souls of believers. As such, united, we will be closer to God’s attention, closer to human love and the universal values ​​of the civilization of this age. Once again, thank you all and especially Her Excellency, Ambassador Yuri Kim, who despite the busy agenda found time to share with us this iftar dinner! May God grant you peace and prosperity in your affairs and in your families! God bless you all!
The Ambassador of Israel Noah Gendler in his speech said:” Your Highness  Haxhi Baba Edmond Brahimaj, Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, As we approach the ending of the month of Ramadan, let me heartily wish you Ramadan Kareem. This is the month of sacrifice and awareness, ofhope and commitment, peace and humanity! Such values ​​enhance the role of the individual in society and consequently, lay the foundations of a healthy society, on which the future of the people can be securely built. Only if we show solidarity with each other and promote such values ​​we will understand that among religions there are many more similarities rather than divisions, and that divisions are in fact so insignificant when we focus on the essence, on moral values ​​and human beings as promoted by each of the monotheistic religions. Albania is the best example of the embodiment of these values, standing out for coexistence and religious tolerance. I feel privileged to have the opportunity to know your peopleup close, and learn of its glory throughout history. May God guide us to love life, to respect it with all its colors and to be a promoter of peace and cooperation between each other and between peoples! Thank you.”
While the American Ambassador, Yuri Kim, through a twitter post said: “Thank you Baba Edmond Brahimaj and the Israeli ambassador Noah Gendler for co-hosting the evening iftar. Very special to share bread with friends of all faiths. Happy Ramadan! ”

Xhorxhin Cullhaj