Bektashis: Appeal to Albanian politics!

Bismilahi Rrahmani Rrahim!
In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful!
The Bektashi Holy See and millions of our believers around the world are following the latest political events in Albania with natural concern. It is with regret that we find that the hot days of this June are adding to the heat and scuffle of various political forces, leading the people to a spiritual and physical insecurity
The accusations and counter-accusations, throwing stones and mud at each other, the total lack of tolerance and cooperation, seem to me to be inspiring a scary scenario, not only for the set election day on June 30, but also for the future itself ours, for what we have sought and sacrificed in these years of post-dictatorship.
In the face of this situation, I join the voice and consciousness of the thousands of brothers, leaders of religions and faiths in Albania, appealing to all political forces and especially their leaders: Do not take Albania to the rock! Do not lose even the last hopes of this nation that was made with so much war and sacrifice!
We, the Bektashi dervishes and fathers, ask God Almighty to remove from the minds and souls of today's politicians the satanic power, which has seized them by the throat and is taking their breath and honor. We pray that they sit on conversation like brother to brother, without swearing, without slander, without ordinary resentment, and to age the situation as wisely as possible. Especially now, when we ask Europe to open its doors to us, to have a voice, that of understanding and love for each other. Today it is not too late! ...

Bektashi World Leader,
His Grace,
Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj