20 August, 202120 August, 2021NEWS ANNOUNCEMENT/ TRADITIONAL CEREMONY ON TOMORR MOUNTAIN The Bektashi World Headquarters and the Skrapar Quarter announce that on August 20-25, 2021, a traditional pilgrimage will be organized on …
20 August, 202120 August, 2021NEWS Is commemorated the 105th anniversary of the founding of the tekke of the Iljas dervishes in Kulmak-Skrapar Dede Edmond Brahimaj: Anniversary that coincides with the days of pilgrimage to the mystical mountain of Tomorri. Dervish Ilias Qafoku, has …
19 August, 202120 August, 2021NEWS CONGRATULATION FOR ASHURA DAY This is an important day for all Bektashi believers. The day of Ashura is considered the day of the martyrdom of …
10 August, 202110 August, 2021NEWS The Bektashi World Leader, His Holiness, Haji Dede Edmond Brahimaj, received today the delegation of the International Center of Excellence for Combating Violent Extremism, “Hedayah”, of the United Arab Emirates Today, on August 10, 2021, the Bektashi World Leader, His Holiness, Hajji Dede Edmond Brahimaj, received in a meeting the delegation …
8 August, 202115 August, 2021NEWS ANNUNCIATION Dear clergy and believers everywhere! The Bektashi World Headquarters with the Holy See in Tirana, with this letter want to inform …
7 August, 20219 August, 2021NEWS Is escorted to the last home, father Abdyl Shehaj Tributes were paid to the Bektashi Holy See and the tekke of Kostan, in Tepelena. The rites of consecration were led …
6 August, 2021NEWS Today on August 5 passed away from this life, Father Abdyl Shehaj Today, on August 5, 2021, father Abdyl Shehaj passed away, born in Rabije-Tepelena. Father Abdyl served in the tekke of Koshtan-Tepelena …
5 August, 20216 August, 2021NEWS Notification The Bektashi World Headquarters with The Holy See in Tirana, with deep sorrow, announces to all Bektashi believers and clerics that …
3 August, 20215 August, 2021NEWS Reaction of the tekke “Harabati-Baba”, Tetovo Dear believers! Wishing you a good summer, with health and love, we are announcing the following statement : The tekke “Harabati …