15 September, 202026 February, 2021NEWS 220th anniversary of Shtufi tekke, Gjirokastra (1800-2020) Bismilahi Rrahmani Rrahim! In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful! Dear brothers, clerics and Bektashi believers of the South …
13 September, 202026 February, 2021NEWS Ashura Day, Ceremony at the tekke of Kuzum Baba, Vlora On the occasion of the feast of Ashura, the Bektashi Dedelik of Vlora, under the special care of the World Leader, …
10 September, 202026 February, 2021NEWS Ashura day, in the tekke of Turan-Korça On the occasion of the feast of Ashura, the Bektashi Dedelik of Korça has laid the traditional reception. High authorities, political …
6 September, 202026 February, 2021NEWS Pilgrimage to the tekke of Kreshova Kolonja Bismilahi, Rrahmani Rrahim! In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful! Dear believers of Kreshova and surround villages! Let me …
4 September, 202026 February, 2021NEWS Exhibition “Mother Teresa, the Albanian saint” Under the special care of Mr. Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania, the General Directorate of Archives and the Agency for …
1 September, 202026 February, 2021NEWS Bektashi believers celebrate today ‘Ashura Day’, World Grandfather His Grace Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj: “God bless the Albanians, we hope to return to our rites” Today, in the premises of the Bektashi World Headquarters, the Holy See, under the special care of the World Leader, His …
1 September, 202026 February, 2021NEWS Today, the marked day of Ashura for the Bektashism Ceremony today at 11:00 at the Bektashi Holy See. Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Dede Edmond Brahimaj: This traditional rite in …
26 August, 20201 March, 2021NEWS Start of working at the Harabati Baba Tetovo tekke and the Harakop tekke The Bektashi World Headquarters, the Holy See, under the special care of the Bektashi World Leader His Grace Haxhi Dede Edmond …
22 August, 20201 March, 2021NEWS Feast of Abaz Ali, World Leader from Mount Tomorri: People are praying for Covid-19 to end, we have taken action The World Leader of the Bektashis, His Grace Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, wished from Mount Tomorri all the Bektashi believers for …
21 August, 20201 March, 2021NEWS August 21, 2020 President Meta praises with the “National Flag Decoration” the prominent brothers of the National Renaissance, Naim, Abdyl and Sami Frashëri: The actuality of their work leads us towards European integration Frashër, Përmet The President of the Republic, His Exellency Ilir Meta paid today a working visit to Frashër of Përmet, to …