31 July, 20201 March, 2021NEWS Muslim believers celebrate Eid al-Adha The main ceremony, which was also attended by the World Grandfather His Grace Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj took place in the …
30 July, 20201 March, 2021NEWS The Dushk Tekke commemorates the 140th anniversary of its establishment Bismilahi Rrahmani Rrahimi In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful! The Dushk Tekke commemorates the 140th anniversary of its …
14 July, 20201 March, 2021NEWS On the 240th anniversary of the founding and on the 13th anniversary of the reconstruction of the Bektashi Tekke of Gjakova Bismilahi Rrahmani Rrahim! In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful! Dear Bektashi believers of Gjakova and Kosovo! Dear my …
10 July, 20201 March, 2021NEWS Activity on the occasion of the opening of the “Year of Naim Frashëri” Today, on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the passing away and, 175th anniversary of the birthday of Naim Frashëri …
10 July, 20201 March, 2021NEWS Bektashi World Headquarters opens today “Year of Naim Frashëri” Bektashi World Leader, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj: The great poet, Bektashi Naim Frashëri, is and will remain a symbol of light, …
9 July, 20201 March, 2021NEWS The World Leader participates in the inauguration of the first Holocaust memorial in Tirana Today was inaugurated the first memorial to the Holocaust in Tirana, located on the hill of the Artificial Lake. The inauguration …
29 June, 20204 March, 2021NEWS Pilgrimage to the tekke of Ballëm Sultan – Martanesh This miracle that God has done in this country has certainly been His will. But in order for this miracle to …
22 June, 20204 March, 2021NEWS Pilgrimage of the tekke of Melçan – Korçë Bismillahi Rrahmani Rrahim! In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful! Dear my brother Haxhi father Sadik Ibro! Dear myhib, …
22 June, 20204 March, 2021NEWS Gratitude to the family of the valuable friend and permanent collaborator in his contribution to Bektashism, researcher , writer and archaeologist Moikom Zeqo. Today, June 22, 2020, the Bektashi World Leader His Grace Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj received in a special meeting the family …
21 June, 20204 March, 2021NEWS The building of a new shrine in the tekke of Kostan Bismilahi Rrahmani Rrahim! In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful! Let me share with you the joy of this …