4 May, 202010 March, 2021NEWS Status of Bektashi World Leader, His Grace Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj Dear brothers, clerics, myhibans and benefactors of the Bektashi order, all over Albania! Brothers and sisters! I have joined these days …
2 May, 20205 March, 2021NEWS Consolation Message! To the Embassy of the Order of Malta in Albania Consolation to the Ambassador of the Order of Malta in Tirana His Excellency Stefano PALUMBO Excellency Ambassador, With deep sorrow I …
30 April, 20205 March, 2021NEWS Thank you for the kind wish for the Holy and Majestic month of Ramadan-addressed to Monsignor Angelo MASSAFRA OFM, Metropolitan Archbishop of Shkodra-Pult Subject: Thanks for the kind wish for the Holy month of the Majestic of Ramadan Directed to: Monsignor Angelo MASSAFRA …
23 April, 20205 March, 2021NEWS The World Leader, His Holiness Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, congratulates the Muslim believers for the month of Ramadan. Dear brothers, clerics, myhibans, benefactors and followers of the Ahl al-Bayt, all over the world! Today is the first day of …
22 April, 20205 March, 2021NEWS Bektashi World Headquarters donates food aid to the administrator of Administrative Unit No. 1 in Tirana The Bektashi World Headquarters, in the special care of the World Leader, His Holiness Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, in the context …
17 April, 20205 March, 2021NEWS Happy Orthodox Easter. Very respected and dear my brother, Your Grace Janullatos! I wish first of all that this week of Orthodox Easter has found you safe in this turbulent course of the …
11 April, 20205 March, 2021NEWS Easter / Bektashi World Headquarters expresses heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of Easter to all Albanians of the Catholic faith May this Easter revive the generosity, tolerance, respect and love between each other in these difficult days we are going through, …
4 April, 20205 March, 2021NEWS Dede Kamber Prishta: Martyr of the Bektashis, Saint of the Nation! Bismilahi Rrahmani Rrahim! In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful! Dear my brothers, clerics, myhib and Bektashi believers wherever …
2 April, 20205 March, 2021NEWS On World Autism Awareness Day, join the global “Shine Blue” campaign! The Bektashi World Headquarters in the framework of the World Autism Day on April 2 and the awareness month of this …
2 April, 20205 March, 2021NEWS Gratitude to our myrshid Dede Reshat Bardhi Bismilahi Rrahmani Rrahim! In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful! Dear brothers, clerics, myhib and benefactors of Dede Reshat …