7 September, 201816 March, 2021NEWS Today, the third anniversary of the inauguration of the Odeon at the Bektashi World Holy See Bektashi World Leader, His Grace Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj: Odeon, a reflection of the bright 800-year history of Bektashism that will …
2 September, 201816 March, 2021NEWS Visit of some tourists and representatives of the Israeli Embassy The Bektashi World Leader, His Grace Haji Dede Edmond Brahimaj received today a group of tourists from Israel, who were accompanied …
23 August, 201817 March, 2021NEWS August 22, 2018. The traditional ceremony of the Bektashi World Headquarters on Mount Tomorri Yesterday, on August 22, 2018, under the special care of the Bektashi World Headquarters – the Holy See and the Bektashi …
22 August, 201817 March, 2021NEWS The mythical shrine of the Pelasgian Dodona, the most ancient temple of the Albanians Ferdinand Samarxhi, Great Master. August 20-25 Great world pilgrimage. Over 500 thousand people come these days from all over the world …
20 August, 201817 March, 2021NEWS Congratulations of Monsignor Angelo MASSAFRA OFM, Metropolitan Archbishop of Shkodra-Pult, addressed to the World Leader for the feast of Eid al-Adha Shkodër, 20/08/18 His Grace Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj To the Bektashi brothers and sisters On behalf of the Catholic believers of …
1 August, 201817 March, 2021NEWS Global Official Dignitary Awards Institute, Asia, Calcutta-India, 28-29 July 2018 The World Grandfather, His Grace Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, was present at the “Global Official Dignitary Awards”, Asia, Calcutta – India, …
26 July, 201817 March, 2021NEWS WASHINGTON DC, US State Department, Ministerial to Advance, Religious Freedom, Jyly 24-26 2018 From July 24-26, U.S. Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo will host the first-ever Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom at the …
26 July, 201817 March, 2021NEWS Message of condolence from the Bektashi World Leader to the Patriot “Adem Demaçi” Message from the Bektashi World Leader His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj I experienced the sad news of passing from this …
14 July, 201817 March, 2021NEWS 14 July 2018, the 11th anniversary of the reconstruction of the Bektashi Tekke of Gjakova Today, July 14, 2018, we mark the 11th anniversary of the reconstruction of the Bektashi Tekke in Gjakova. This day, according …
10 July, 201817 March, 2021NEWS July 10: Is commemorated the 38th anniversary of the passing of the former World Leader of the Bektashis, Ahmet Myftar Dede Baba, July 10, 1980: Former World Grandfather Ahmet Myftar Dede passed away. Today marks 38 years since the day of separation of …