Consolation to the family, for the death of our brother, the famous artist Muharrem Fejzo

Dear Bektashi brothers and sisters!
Yesterday, our brother, dear friend of the Bektashi Holy See, the famous director Muharrem Fejzo, lost the battle with the Covid-19 virus, grieving us all. Starting today, we will miss not only his kindness and his natural smile, but also the humorous conversations about the films that bear his signature, about the great directorial works, about the great cinematographic projects.
But we will also miss his stories, about the two patriarchs of the Bektashi order in Albania and in the world, about Dede Ahmet Myftari and Dede Reshat Bardhi. Because, as you may know, Muharrem’s parents came from Starja of Kolonja and settled in Tirana, taking with them the most valuable memories of the Starja tekke. They were always near the dervishes and fathers in the Holy See in Tirana, having the blessings of father Xhaferr Starje.
Of course, the Bektashi education of  Fejzo family and especially of the sons: Muhamet, Hasan and Elif were most noticed in the years 1967-1990, when the regime that left behind destroyed the religious facilities and banned the exercise with a special article for religion in the Constitution. Fejzo family kept the doors open for two aforementioned clerics as well as other illegal followers of Bektashi doctrine. The sacrifice of this family is worth respecting by our entire community.
Meanwhile, Muharrem Fejzo, will remain alive among us for his other artistic dimension. He is the author of two works in sculpture, the bust of dede Ahmet in the city of Vlora and the statue of Haxhi Bektash Veliu in the premises of our Holy See. In both of these works, our friend and brother, Muharrem, has poured not only his perfect craft, but also the love of  Bektashi for his myrshids. Therefore, today, all of us Bektashis unite in prayers for the soul of Muharrem Fejzo!
Rest in the peace of paradise, our friend!
May the Almighty God always give joy to his wife, children, grandchildren and all those who loved you!

Bektashi World Leader,
His Grace,
Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj