Dede Edmond Brahimaj: How we conceived and realized the project “Year of Naim” (May 25, 2020-25 May 2021), summarized in a special book


The nationwide activity "Days of Naim Frashëri", (May 25, 2020-25 May 2021), designed and carried out by the Bektashi World Headquarters, under the auspices of the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, was the largest activity in Albania and the all-Albanian spaces, in commemoration of the 120th anniversary of the separation from life and the 175th anniversary of the birth of the great national poet, Bektashi Naim Frashëri. This project, spread over a period of one year, included various state institutions, scholars, historians, other factors of society, inside and outside Albania. There are dozens of activities that took place in this context, such as scientific sessions, exhibitions, meetings and publications of scholars and historians about Naim Frashëri, historical guide to recognize the cultural, linguistic and patriotic wealth of the Frashëri brothers, dozens of media publications on this subject, TV shows and documentaries about the great Bektashi Naim Frashëri, albums, nationwide literary competition within the "Year of Naim", awareness campaign for the enrichment of the library of the Holy See and those of grandmothers inside and outside the country, with publications of and, for Naim Frashërin etc.… At the end of this activity, the project in question, also under the auspices of the Bektashi Holy See, is summarized in an interesting book. The book "Naim Frashëri, apostle and whistle of Albanianism", prepared by the authors Kujtim Boriçi & Nuri Çuni, is a summary of the activities of a year, enriched with documents and other materials, is another important contribution in the field of journalism and that study, dedicated to the Bektashi of the patriot Naim Frashëri. The Bektashi World Leader, His Holiness, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, in his interview, gives some details about the idea, realization and values ​​of the "Year of Naim Frashëri".

Dede Edmond Brahimaj! For a full year, in Albania, all over Albania and beyond, a series of activities took place within the "Year of Naim Frashëri, 25 May 2020-25 May 2021", realized by the Bektashi Holy World Headquarters, conceived and directed by you . Something more concrete about this project and its realization?
-The great poet, Bektashi Naim Frashëri, is and will always remain a symbol of light, knowledge and worship for millions of Bektashis in the world, while for Albanians everywhere, remains the model of patriotism and the man who loved and probably enriched the language of wonderful albanian. Anniversaries of birth and separation from life, are the culmination points dedicated to him. The commemoration of these anniversaries has already become a tradition, but since in the time period that coincides with the 175th anniversary of his birth and the 120th anniversary of his death, the Bektashi Holy See conceived, prepared and implemented the project "Year of Naim Frashëri, May 25 2020-25 May 2021 ”. I want to emphasize here that since the idea, we aimed that unlike the annual activities of tradition in decades, the activities included in the "Year of Naim Frashëri", to have a one-year time span (due to the above two anniversaries), and in to include social, religious, state structures, historians, scientists, creators of the fields of art, journalism and literary creativity and these activities to take place in the Holy See, in the state institutions of Albania, in different districts of the country, in Kosovo, Tetovo and other Albanian communities in various European countries and beyond. Despite the many difficulties, mainly due to the pandemic and the necessity of protective measures against it, we think that we achieved the goal and did something valuable. Here I want to emphasize not only our maximum commitment as the Holy See, but also the cooperation with the highest structures of the Albanian state, scientific institutions in Albania, Kosovo and Northern Macedonia, and the Academy of Sciences of Albania, literary social organizations, historians of known etc.…

What were some of the main activities of the Naimian year?
-If we will mention the complete list of one-year activities, it is very long and diverse, so I will stop briefly disa Several scientific sessions have been held on the life, creativity and analysis of the work of Naim Frashëri as the one in the premises of the Headquarters the Bektashi Holy; scientific session at the Academy of Sciences of Albania, a collaboration with the leaders of this institution; scientific session in Përmet; the manifestation ‘Days of Naim’, also in Përmet; scientific session in the birthplace of the Frashëri brothers, in Frashër; he at the National Historical Museum, developed in collaboration with the directorthe youth of this institution; scientific sessions at the Universities of Gjirokastra and Vlora, in cooperation with the rectors of these institutions; activities for Naim in Gjakova, Tetovo and many other cities, inside and outside Albania. Here I should also mention the preparation of a photo exhibition especially for the "Year of Naim Frashëri", prepared by Mehmet Gëzhilli, who has 'walked' in many activities and cities in Albania and abroad. Mention the traditional competition "Naim Days" in Tetovo; meetings and discussions with famous poets, etc.… Also, the initiative was created to create a special fund with books by and for Naim in the Library of the Bektashi Holy See; the donation of books by numerous scholars, writers, poets and historians; new publications especially for the Bektashi Naim Frashëri and the Albanian national renaissance… I will mention only one fact, that of the Agolli family, that within the 'Year of Naim Frashëri', handed over to the library over 20 titles of books… In these activities, planned and supported by the Bektashi Holy See, some in collaboration, have been followed in most cases by us… Although the official support in this period (which included two important dates of the national poet Naim Frashëri) was somewhat lukewarm, or rather not it that was desired, otherwise it happened with the support of scientific personalities and creative forces that became an active part of our initiative…

Can you name some of them?
-I told them that there are many… I am mentioning academic Skënder Gjinushi, President of the Academy of Sciences of Albania; Academic Sabri Hamitin from Kosovo; academic Pëllumb Xhufi; Prof. as. dr. Abdulla Rexhepi-Kosovo; Dr. Arben Sulejmani-Northern Macedonia;
Prof. Dr. Nasho Jorgaqi; Professor Moikom Zeqo; prominent poet Petrit Ruka; Prof. dr. Begzad Baliu, from Kosovo; Prof. Nezir Bata; researcher Dorian Koçi, Director of the National Historical Museum; academic, Prof. dr. Valter Memishaj; poet and scholar Bardhyl Londo; poet and researcher Sadik Bejko; By Prof. Perparim Kabo ; writer and researcher Besnik Mustafaj; researcher Frymzim Dauti, Director of the National Library of Northern Macedonia-Skopje; Prof. Xhelal Zejneli-Kosovo; Professor Bernard Zotaj, ‘Grand Master’; Prof. Dr. Asc. Zaho Golemi; historian Kastriot Bezati "Grand Master"; researcher Teuta Lama-Hodo in Prishtina; MP Mirela Kumbaro; Norwegian researcher Hysen Berisha; researcher Lindita Rova, Chairman of the Gjirokastra Regional Council; Tomorr Kotorri, President of SHAK "Vëllezërit Frashëri" in Përmet; Director of Culture of the association "Zeri Dardan", Rahovec-Kosovo, Bekim Kelmendi; the famous scholar and poet Lumo Kolleshi; researcher and publisher Mehmet Gëzhilli; Chairman of KSHA "Naim Frashëri" Ligor Shyti; Chairman of KSHA "Ndoc Gjetja" Lezha; Viktor Gjikolaj; Director of Cultural Heritage Lezha Paulin Zefi; researcher Alma Hoxha, Mayor of Përmet; Shahip Emërllahu, poet-Northern Macedonia; researcher Ymer Çiraku; researcher, lawyer, Sami Velçani; Prof. dr. Roland Zisi; Prof. dr. Dhori K. Qirjazi; researcher Azgan Haklaj; researcher Lindita Mangalla; researcher and writer Ferit Fixha; poet Qazim Shehu; poet and researcher Pandeli Koçi, publicist Erion Habilaj; poet Përparim Hysi; researcher Rexhep Rifati-Kosovo; publicist Zylyftar Hoxha and others… There are many, many others, whom I bless and wish them happiness in their lives… In this "Year of Naim", in addition to numerous activities, official assessments have been made in the meantime…

What can you mention among the official assessments?
In the "Year of Naim Frashëri", exactly on October 20, 2020, which was the day that marked the 120th anniversary of the death of the great Bektashi, the national poet Naim Frashëri, the Prime Minister of Albania, Mr. Edi Rama praised the figure of Naim Frashëri, with an important and very appreciative message. Among other things, he stressed that "perhaps Naimi was the only one who did not need to say his last name in order to feel his shadow in the form of Albania, to approach you as soon as he speaks!". Also, in the solemn ceremony organized in front of the busts of the three Frashëri brothers, the Head of State, President Ilir Meta, awarded Abdyl Frashëri (after his death) the "National Flag Decoration", with the motivation: "As one of the most prominent patriots in the struggle for the salvation of Albanian lands, the unification of the people and the national liberation of Albanians. As a prominent ideologue of the National Renaissance, one of the main organizers and representative of the Albanian League of Prizren, a statesman with vision, politician, diplomat and personality with extraordinary merits, who spared nothing for the freedom and exaltation of the Albanian nation. Another assessment is the issuance by the leaders of the National Bank of Albania, of the banknote with the portrait of the great Bektashi poet Naim Frashëri… I bless these personalities for the good deeds they did, may God help them in their mission…

In the program that you published at the beginning of the project "Year of Naim Frashëri", was the organization of "Days of Naim Frashërit ”in Paris…?
-Yes. It is an important activity, which for five years, we have turned into a tradition. This year, due to the pandemic, it was impossible for it to develop on that scale. Anyway, our brothers and sisters there, in these conditions, did what was possible. Since you mentioned it in the question, I want to add that we have turned this activity into an annual tradition, since 5 years. It is an activity that gathers over a thousand Albanians living in France and other European countries, in one of the famous theaters in the center of Paris, in "Theater Le Palace", which is owned by the compatriot of our brother Aziz Vardar. I want to mention him for the contribution he and his brothers make, rather than making the theater fully available for many days, covering all the financial expenses for accommodation, accommodation, food and everything else, for the willingness and joy to do as much as possible, to recognize and spread the historical, cultural and spiritual values ​​of Albania and Albanians… We should mention the great Omer Kaleshi, the world-famous Albanian painter who throughout the days, becomes an integral part of our team. In this famous Parisian theater, there is talk, long discussion, singing about our great Naim. Even a good part of the final show, Naim's creativity is interpreted in French…

How would you assess the balance of one-year activities of the project "Year of Naim Frashëri"?
Ended a one-year period with activities dedicated to the great Bektashi patriot Naim Frashëri, but the life and activity of this great Bektashi, have been, are and will be at the center of the Bektashi mission. Activities will continue. Naim Frashëri is a light that will shine forever. The more days, months, years and decades go by, the more this light shines, the more necessary are the Naimian rays for our souls, both religious and patriotic. As for your question, I want to say that it was a year of busy activities, numerous in number and in geographical scope, that brought an innovation that is worthwhile. At the same time, beyond our physical, spiritual and material effort, it was a valuable experience that will be continuously enriched. Synthesized, that is, summarized, "The Year of Naim Frashëri", now comes in a book. So, at the end of these activities, the project in question, also under the auspices of the Bektashi Holy See, has been summarized in an interesting book. The book "Year of Naim Frashëri, 25 May 2020-25 May 2021", prepared by the authors Kujtim Boriçi & Nuri Çuni, is a summary of one year activities, enriched with documents and other materials, devised and professionally prepared, with commitment and of well-known personalities of the field, is another important contribution in the field of journalism and study, dedicated to the Bektashi and patriot Naim Frashëri.
The book "Naim Frashëri, apostle and whistle of Albanianism", prepared by the authors Kujtim Boriçi & Nuri Çuni, is a summary of the activities of a year, enriched with documents and other materials, is another important contribution in the field of journalism and that study, dedicated to the Bektashi of the patriot Naim Frashëri.