Dede Edmond Brahimaj, participates in the annual traditional pilgrimage, in the village of Bllaca.

Last weekend, the World Grandfather of the Bektashi Community , His Holiness, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, participated in the annual traditional pilgrimage, in the Tekke of Baba Isufit-Bllacë, Dibër. On this occasion, he led the traditional rites of pilgrimage, greeted and blessed the many believers from the region present, friends and visitors from Tirana, Dibra e Madhe, etc.. In his welcoming speech, among other things, Dede Edmond Brahimaj affirmed: "Dear believers and well-wishers, present today in the "Tekke of Baba Isufi-Bllacë", in the traditional annual pilgrimage! In fact, the day of the traditional pilgrimage to this Bektashi facility is June 10 every year. But objective reasons, (like this year's), may lead to the change of this date, but remain unchanged: The name and the good work of this community and the clergy who have worked and directed here; the growth and strengthening of our obedience and devotion, in the path of Haxhi Bektash Veli and the increase of love, faith and worship to the Great God; the addition of the ranks of believers of these three to the Bektashi peace faith. Therefore, on this occasion, as the World Grandfather of the Bektashians, I bless and wish you and your families joy, happiness, peace and love! Every day, but especially when we gather on such days, it is the moment to remember together, a little of the history of this world, which makes us all proud.
...Teqeja  Bllacë, carries its own story, a glorious story of unwavering faith in God, but also of boundless love for these lands. The story of its establishment for the first time is related to Father Sufa, first from the Tasha tribe of the village of Bllacë, in 1800. He had rare virtues and the gift of holiness. Father is dressed, in Haxhi Bektash. He was connected with the tekke of Dibra e Madhe, Tetovo with his father Fejza Bulqiza. He opened the first mejtepe in Bllacë, in the mid-1830s. But the measures taken by the Ottomans after 1826, in the persecution of the Bektashians, the teqe was destroyed and for a long period, it did not work. It was rebuilt on the first foundations, in 1893, with the tomb of father Sufa the first, by father Sufa the second. The young Baba Sufa has played a great role in the spread of Bektashism in the territory of Dibra, the teaching of the Albanian language, contribution to the national renaissance. His words are still remembered today: "Son, with school you will also watch the night!" In 1908, he opened the first Albanian school in Teke. Persecuted by Turkish and Serbian authorities, he died in 1915. Teqeja burned down in 1923, father Zenjeli from Skrapari rebuilt it in 1930. After him, until 1940, dervish Abdulla Gurra ruled here. Then, until 1938, Dede Ahmeti served. Several fathers and dervishes continued to work in this sect, such as: father Muharrem Metalla (1950-1954), father Xhemal Rapush Dinollari (1954-1963) until 1967. Teqeja was destroyed by the monist state in 1967 and reopened in 1995, and it was directed by father Ismail Jangulli, who with extraordinary dedication, rebuilt this wonderful teqe.. We are grateful and honor him even today, on this day of noted for the work he left. We commemorate him with respect and boundless love. On this occasion, I thank father Halil Curri and the secretary, Bektash Jangulli, who are working and continuing the tradition of this church with a great history and the path of father Ismail. On such pilgrimage days, we usually meet and talk, weep our troubles with each other, we increase our love for each other and our hope and faith in the Great God. But, I think it is the moment to touch on some things that concern us as Bektashians, and despite all our orders and commitment, we are not finding the right choice. This territory, known historically as the Bektashi territory for centuries, as a patriotic territory, has the legal right to be proud. But as a Great Grandfather, I have a concern and I want to repeat it, to share it with you, in the hope that we will proceed as we should in our commitment. You are far behind, not to say negligent, in the nationwide and wider initiative, with the registrations as Bektashin, as in fact, you are generation after generation. This negligence is inexcusable and must end. Let's register as Bektashi, because that's how we gain the real weight we have in the community. That documented as Bektashin, we solve the many problems we have better, faster and more qualitatively together. I hope and we must do it, as soon as time is running out. I have faith in this, I have faith in the wonderful people of this Bektashi tribe, I have faith and hope in all of you. On this occasion, I greet my brother, father Halil Curri and secretary Bektash Jangulli, May goodness and prosperity be in your families! God bless you all! Amin!”

Xhorxhin Cullhaj