Dede Edmond Brahimaj participates in the promotion of the book “Homeland in the heart of Muslim clerics”, by the imam of the Golem mosque, Gëzim Abdishahi

On Sunday, the Bektashi World Leader participated in the promotion of the book “Homeland in the heart of Muslim clerics”, by the imam of the Golem mosque, Gëzim Abdishahi. In this activity that took place in Golem, was present and the President of the Republic Mr. Ilir Meta, clerics, writers and believers. This book, which is based mainly on the example of the life and work of the patriotic cleric Hafiz Ibrahim Dalliu, is a serious attempt to reflect important details of the historical role played by Albanian clergy, as preachers of faith and first-line patriots, in every important stages of the history of the Albanian nation.

President Ilir Meta, regarding the values ​​of this book, among other things said: “ Albanians, of whatever religion we are, with our blood we are brothers and patriotic brothers. The book is a valuable contribution to highlighting the patriotism of all Albanian Muslim clerics, who above all put the Homeland as the most sacred thing, leaving a very precious message to generations. The book is a manual for the valuable contribution of our enlightened religious leaders, who pay with blood and extraordinary sacrifices the price of freedom and democratization of the country, who and when they were in front of the firing squads and in the dark cells, said: “Long live Albania!”.

For the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, such books, which bring the life and contribution of the clergy as preachers and patriots, who have influenced and significantly influence the history of our Albanian nation. The book ‘Homeland in the heart of Muslim clerics’, by Gëzim Abdishahi, imam of the Golem mosque, is a valuable contribution to the continuation of many serious publications of this nature, which evokes and documents, among other things, the patriotic role of Albanian clerics , including Hafiz Ibrahim Dalliu, the main subject in this book. It is appropriate to mention the historical role played by the Bektashi faith and Bektashi clerics in over eight centuries of existence of this faith, for the nation, being steadfastly faithful to the faith in God and to the cause ‘Without homeland, there is no religion!’ . In Our national hero Skanderbeg, was myhib bektashi and as such, he came to Albania and was the god of the country. Baba Ali Tomorri, a Bektashi cleric, erudite and historian, has documented and given quite well this example I mentioned. On the occasion of this book, I greet the author, the imam of the Golem mosque, Gëzim Abdishahi, for the work done and wish him further success…! ”