The tekke of Gjakovo is founded on 1790 by Father Shemsi, who served until 1820. Since then until today, many bektashian clerics have served there. Thanks to them it was inherited an archive and a rich library, a part of which was burned by serbs on 1990’s. The Bektashi believers of Kosovo have seen at this ancient blessing temple, not only the adoration and love of God but also the love for the Fatherland, for Martyr Kosovo.

Qazim Bakalli was borned in Gjakovë, in the last decade of the XIX centrury, and after completing the elementary school in his birthplace was registered in the pedagogical school "Mekteb-i Edeb" in Scopia. He did excel under the influence of Bajram Curri, Hasan Prishtina etc in the efforts for the latin alphabet of the Albanian language. He was expelled from the school and with the help of Hasan Prishtina he was accepted in the Normale school of He served as teacher in Gjakovë. After the fall of Gjakovo under the Kingdom Serbo-roato-sllovene, Qazim Bakalli went in the Bektashian Tekke of Father Hamza in Shtip and later he went as dervish in the Tekke of Father Mustafa in Elbasan. In Harabati Tekke in Tetovo, Father Qazim Bakalli along with the renovation of its activity, was distinguished even in the patriotic aspect, by helping a lot in the unity between Albanians.