Haji Bektash Veli, was born in the town Nisabur, in Khorasan of Persia on 1248 in a family from prophetic background. Since the very early age he showed rare qualities of intelligence and virtues, which he showed-up in the studies in the Persian schools. In the mature age he achieved broad culture and was distinguished for wisdom, capacity, wisdom and good manners. He took mystical lessons from Lokman Perende, teacher and well-known mystic at that time in the country. Later on Hajji Bektash Veli was inspired by the saint guider Mulla Ahmad Yesevi and he was appointed as missionary to distribute the mystic ideal in Anatol. He visited many holy places: in the town of Najjaf in Iraq, he prayed for forty days in the tomb of Imam Ali, and then he went to Mekka to complete the Islam pilgrimage where he got the title Haji. Later on he visited the mausoleum of the Prophet Mohammad (a.s.) in Medina where he stayed forthy days. In the course of the years he visited Palestine, Damask and many other holy places. On 1281 he was established in Sulce Kara Ujuk (Anatoli) and started his mission. Although he had many dissenters, he convinced them all with his work and arguments. In this way, on 1282, he founded the first tekke in the world, which took fame and it was known in the whole world (today it is called the town of Nevsehir, Haji Bektash).This great saint organized in tekke bektashee ceremonies and within years the believers and the many visitors were increasing day by day for centuries who were inspired by him. Once the Bektashee tariqat was opened up in Turkey, Hajji Bektash sent missionaries in all the Muslim places of that time in Arabia, Persia, Balkan. He enlightened the minds of the believers of the Bektashee tarikat with the ideas of Bektashee, and he became the king of the hearts and a staring torch and he distinguished himself with the values of tolerance against disunity. He made the call:”Let be one, let be strong, let be alive!” he invited all for unity and fraternity with the message:”The Path that does not go through knowledge, is darkness”. He gave a precious assistance to create a society and an environment of peace and security, the security of repose. Huncar has left behind many deeds, mystical poetries, and many golden words. His books “Velajetname”, “Makalat”, “Fevaidul Fukara” (Dobitë e Varfave), “Tefsir of Fatihasë”, “Advices of Haji Bektash”, “The Coment of Bismilaisë”, “The Coment of forty haditheve” are immortal although 800 years have passed from that time.