International Peace Conference in Berlin, Germany

Bismilahi Rrahmani Rrahim!
In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful!
Dear brothers, high representatives of religions, present!
Dear organizers of the peace conference in Berlin!
When we talk about violent extremism and terrorism we are all sensitive, as in every religion and belief, from the earliest tradition written on parchment to the present day, our one God has called only peace and goodness. It is an undeniable truth that from the generations of more than one billion current Muslims, the saying "Salam alaykum" is whispered in the soul, meaning peace in both worlds, in this temporary and the other, eternal. This wonderful miracle, a billion and more Muslims wish not only to their families and relatives, but to the whole world in every country where they live.
The essence of Islamic philosophy is peace, it is submission to the divine will of the Creator, it is the pursuit to the end of physical life to put His words in place. Muslims are the emblem of goodness, so in the Qur'an it is said literally: "... Whoever kills someone who has not killed anyone or brought disorder in this world, it is as if he has killed all of humanity. And, if someone saves a life, it is as if he has saved the lives of all people ... ". Such a synthesis of the relationship between humans and human society itself with the Creator is almost unique in all our sacred books.
However, in most cases, especially in the last two or three decades, the term "Islamic" is attached to international terrorism and, accompanied by all kinds of media noise, creates the feeling that this threat to world peace comes only from Muslims. It's somewhat strange, but newspaper pages, especially in Europe as well as the most watched TV shows, undertake to "unmask" Muslim doctrine, without realizing that at its core is universal divine mercy. It is also strange that events such as the massacres of Bosnian Serbs against innocent Muslims, or those of Moscow against Chechen Muslims, children in Palestine, the genocide of Kosovo Albanians and many other painful realities, are left in the suburbs of human memory.
In this context, I would like to remind those present here today that terrorism has no religion, no homeland, no color and no ethnicity. Organized or not, come from Muslims, Christians or Buddhists, terrorism includes a range of human, dictatorial, economic and cultural phenomena, which are worth first recognizing from their birth and then analyzing in the light of developments. today. Not necessarily the fearsome term "fundamentalism" is associated with today's Islam, on the contrary, this effort must be seen to come from those who do not really know the essence of Islam. A more in-depth analysis of the structures of human society, the study of moral-cultural formations as well as Muslim religious traditions, can help us to realistically perceive the dangers of terrorism today.
Dear present!
The nation to which I belong ethnically, Albania, has been and remains sensitive to any kind of violent extremism or terrorist act. We have inherited from our spiritual ancestors a wonderful religious coexistence and today we continue to shape the future, through what Pope Francis underlined during his visit to Albania as a "religious brotherhood". This current religious status has not made us at all indifferent to the developments and tendencies of the faith, on the contrary, we have consciously lined up alongside the really progressive forces for building bridges of religious peace and denouncing any vandalism that allegedly comes from the heavens.
Finally, let me inform you about a Qur'anic hadith, which conveys exactly: "All good that comes to you, O man, comes from the Most High God." "Every evil that befalls you is from you!" (En-Nisa 79).
Therefore let us unite together against evil. For today and tomorrow. For universal peace.
God bless you all!

World Leader of the Bektashis
His Grace
Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj

Berlin, 15 June 2019