Is commemorated The 240th anniversary of the founding of the Frashër tekke

On Sunday, was commemorated the 240th anniversary of the founding of the famous tekke of Frashër, which was also the day of Ashura. Father Hekuran Nikollari had taken all the necessary measures for the day's activities. The Bektashi World Cross, His Holiness, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, other clerics, priests, many friends and believers also took part in this ceremony. Father Hekurani welcomed the participants, while the occasional greeting was given by Dede Edmond Brahimaj, Bektashi World Leader.
… The Frashëri tekke in Dangëlli, was founded by father Tahir Skënderasi, flourished and became known to father Alushi, father Abedini and all other clerics, until today. In the district of Përmet, 63 tekkes, tombs, and good places have been identified so far.
A little story about the Frashër tekke
Frashër tekke, located under the head of Frashër at the top of the village. Its founder, in 1781, is Sulejman bey, who invited father Tahir Skënderas to lead the tekke. From the inscription (Chronogram in Persian) located on the inner side of the perimeter wall on the left side of the entrance gate are given the stages of its construction. The earliest first stage, the lower building, has the square and a connecting triangle, in the shape of a triangle. Father Nasibiu enlarged the tekke with another building and residential inns, greatly increasing this socio-religious complex, well known and respected throughout Albania. The tekke consists of two separate buildings. They are connected by a connecting wall to the main gate in the center. It has the outer courtyard portal. Buildings are called upper and lower. Its five-alley complex joins the L-shaped bottom, which communicates through a large connecting porch paved with stone slabs. There are Bektashi symbols on its walls. In the beginning it was led by father Tahir Skënderasi (1781-1835), in this period of his (1826-1829) Xhefai Ibrahim Babai of the great tekke of Elbasan from the persecutions of the Turkish emissaries stayed. Here Abdullah Xhani became a dervish, accompanying the father of Elbasan. Later he led the tekke Jusuf Skënderasi (1835-1846) The tekke became famous throughout Albania. Her national role, father Alushi (1846-1902) and father Abedin Ibro from Skrapar (1903-1913) made valuable contributions to the national cause. One of its halls held the inter-provincial meeting, on May 30, 1878, on Prizren. In particular, it is related to the life and work of the Frashëri brothers, who made the school in the tekke of Frashëri. After the death of their father, Father Alushi took the three brothers to study at the Zosimea school in Ioannina at the expense of the tekke. In 1914 it was burned by the Greek andarts, it was rebuilt in 1923 with the help of the Albanians of America. In this tekke, they have served for years: after father Abedin come father Sheme (1913-1929), father Mustafa Qerezi (1930-1933). In 1940 the clergy served: Grandfather Murat Skënderi from 1934, dervishes Myreteza Temuri, Agush Beluli, Seit Mëhilli, Zenel Çeliku, Bektash Hotova. Father Abaz Hilmi led the years (1942-1945). Grandfather Mehmet Zyka, (1949-1963), dervish Teme Pazi, until 1967. It was closed by the monist state and returned to the area hospital in 1967, and the tombs were destroyed. It reopened in September 1997. It took care of maintenance and reconstruction Përparim Skënderasi (1995-2000), headed by dervishes Xhemal Shkëmbi (2000-2003). Then he worked diligently for the complete reconstruction and restoration of this monumental tekke, father Hekuran Nikollari (2003-2021). It has been declared a Cultural Monument with Decision no. 6 dated 15 .1.1963 by the Rectorate of the State University of Tirana.
Father Hekuran Nikollari has been served for many years in the Përmet area, dedicated, tireless for the direction and organization of Bektashi cult objects in the Përmet district. With his work in these years, he has done a miracle in the tekke of Alipostivan and the tekke of Frashër, he revived them, fulfilling the message of Dede Reshat Bardhi for this tekke: “Work for Frashri. Do not allow grass and thorns to grow on these stones. You are behind me in every trouble. When the Yazidis could not separate us in 50 years, now no one can separate us. Therefore let us unite in sorrows and joys. I am leaving the Frashër tekke as a trust ”
Yesterday's activity, September 5, 2021 for the 240th anniversary of the founding of the Frashwri tekke was special. The participation of pilgrims from Permet, Gjirokastra, Tepelena, Skrapar made it as attractive and diverse. The special thing was that the ceremony of Ashura separation took place in the month of Muharram. The World Leader of the Bektashis, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, participated and gave his best wishes on this day of the tekke anniversary. The ceremony was opened by Father Hekuran Nikollari, who stopped for the great history in the national Renaissance until today of the tekke of Frashër. The word of the ashura ceremony held by World Grandfather Dede Edmond Brahimaj, best wishes on this holy day, and joy with ashura in the days of mourning made this holy day more beautiful .. Participants saw the exhibition especially for this anniversary, in the famous history of tekke not only in the south of Albania but also beyond. The historian Kastriot Beyati spoke about the role of Dangëlli, Frashwri in its history as an important part of the history of Albania. World Leader Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj on behalf of the Holy See was awarded the Gratitude for the wonderful work done by Father Hekurani in the tekke of Frashër, Alipostivan and Përmet. Etc.
Dede's speech Edmond Brahimaj
Among other things, in his greeting, Dede Edmond Brahimaj said: “My brothers, clerics, myhib and Bektashi benefactors all over the world! Today's date, September 5, 2021, comes to us blessed and with a wonderful history within it. 240 years ago, on a beautiful September day like today, the first stone was laid in the foundations of the Frashër tekke, which years later, would be conveyed through conversations in the tekke cafes, as a white omen for Bektashism in the whole south of Albania, but also the world Bektashism itself. With the opening of this tekke, all of southern Albania from Mokra, Përmeti, Tepelena, Gjirokastra and all the way to Ioannina, was opening the doors to the wise and prudent thought of our enlightened Leader, Haxhi Bektash Veliu. A very small and modest building would come to life years later, from the spirit of father Tahir Nasibi, this Bektashi cleric and poet, who knew how to spread the seed of religious knowledge, always through national feeling. The codes of the Bektashi order would truly coexist from that time until today, filling the souls of believers with the most powerful feelings of love for the Creator. The tekke of Frashër was visited by Bektashis, Sunnis and Christians, transformed into a real oasis of knowledge and peace. Our great patriot, Mihal Grameno, who would be a lifelong friend of this tekke, has called it as Bethlehem and Mecca, these two blessed places for Christians and Muslims all over the world. And further, his pen added:
         "For me it is Frashëri, the place of God,
          Where Naim Beu was born, the heart of Albania… "
But the name of the tekke of Frashëri will be followed with deep respect for life by the Albanians, for the very fact that this door of Haxhi Bektash Veliu was opened for all Albanian patriots in the years of the Albanian League of Prizren. Father Alush Frashëri, father Avdulla Melçani, father Braho Qesaraka, etc., supported the son of that country and the prominent man of Albania Abdyl Frashëri, who was put in charge of the pan-Albanian movement for the preservation and non-division of ethnic lands. Frashëri and Prizren of the late 19th century, are important reference points in our national historiography. Year after year, decade after decade, the tekke of Frashër, with those dervishes and wise and learned fathers, turned into a nursery of knowledge for whole generations of that three. It is a little to say that we are proud of that country, when we remember that the first lessons of the tariqah were taken in that tekke by our national poet, Naim Frashëri. That peaceful spirit of love for God and for man, endowed the great poet with the best qualities and today it seems to us as a real reward of that spirit, the wonderful works "Karbala", "Bektashi Notebook" or "Dreams" ”. In the first years of the last century, the scholarly heritage of the Frashër tekke came to be enriched and its emblematic peace was intertwined with the energetic actions of the dervishes and patriots of the south, for learning the Albanian language, secretly opening classes to the Turkish authorities. distribution of primers and other books, received from the national societies of Istanbul, Egypt, Constanta or Sofia. No one more accurately than those doors and windows of the tekke of Frashëri, can confess, the joy of the light of Albania that conveyed in those times so difficult for the fate of our nation. The prominent constellation of clerics of this tekke would continue with father Zejnel Abedini, father Mustafa Qerezi, father Murat Frashëri, father Mehmet Zykaj and dozens of dervishes, from all over Albania, who follow in the footsteps of Haxhi Bektashi, Face the Sultan and their glorious ancestors. The tekke educated clerics and from them, the tekkes of Crete, Ioannina, Konica, Durballi Sultan, Kumanovo, Bitola, Peja and up to the parts of Montenegro were kept alive. Honor and glory, for all these clerics, who spread the spirit of patriotism of Frashër wherever they sacrificed their lives! Left at the mercy of fate (like all other tekkes after the evil year 1967) this nursery of knowledge in Frashër, was revived rapidly in the years 1994-1995, when our myrshidi, dede Reshat Bardhi, at the head of a group of believers Frashëri, sought to restore the glory of the past. It is true that in themthe first years of freedom, we lacked many things, but it is also an indisputable truth that we never lacked in soul, faith in the Exalted God. Therefore, the benevolent myhib of the Frashëri tekke, led by the holiness of dede Reshati, were able to reopen the tekke, causing its court to be filled with believers from all over Albania, Kosovo and Northern Macedonia. Sisters and brothers, followers of Haxhi Bektashi! Today brings to our attention the great work that our brother, father Hekuran Nikollari, has done and continues to do for this historic tekke. After the resurrection of the Alipostivan tekke, at the head of his worshipers, this clergyman confesses every day his commitment both in the resurrection of the tekkes and in conveying hope to the Permet believers. In this way, especially today, on the jubilee of the Frashër tekke, we join the wish: Long live and prosperity our brother, father Hekurani, for the good of Bektashism! Long live, prosperity in the family of every Bektashi believer, all over the world today, full of joys and hopes, as well as disappointments and sorrows! God bless us all! Amin! "
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… The 240th anniversary of the commemoration of the glorious Frashër tekke is a great message for all of us. That the traces left by the fathers of this tekke and the Frashëri Brothers for Albania remain their lapidary saying "You Albania gives me Honor." "Give me the Albanian name."