Is commemorated The birthday of Imam Hasan

Imam Hasan is one of the chosen ones of the Ahl al-Bayt, the son of Imam Ali and the son of Fatima, as well as the grandson of Hazrat Muhammad. Comes the second of the twelve Imams with the surnames Myxhteb, Neki and Shyper. He was born in Medina in the third year of emigration on the 15th of Ramadan on Tuesday. Our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) loved both this and his brother Imam Husayn so much, how often he carried them on his shoulders and knees. He said many innumerable prophetic words, among which we mention the following: “These two boys are the first of the youth of Paradise… O God love those who love these and curse those who are against these “others”. Imam Hasan in physiognomy was very similar to his grandfather Hazrat Muhammad, you were wise, obedient, patient and generous. In short he had all the highest moral and human virtues. After the death of the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad always stood in the service of his father Imam Ali. In the battle of Jamal (of the Camel) together with his  brother Imam Hyseni they took part where she accompanied Aisha who was taken prisoner in this battle, with honors together with her brother took her to Medina.
After the great martyrdom of Imam Ali, in the year 40 of emigration, Imam Hasan at the age of 37 was elected in the place of his father, Caliph in Qofe. His rule extends over Iraq, Horosan, Hijaz, and Yemen, a rule that lasted only 7 months, after the accursed Mavija attacked him with an army from Sham… But Imam Hasan was not warlike, he was merciful, compassionate, so he did not insist on the throne of the Caliph, to shed the blood of the people and agreed to relinquish, making an agreement with Mavije on these terms:
1-The Caliphate should not be a family inheritance, but the Caliph should be elected with the consent and free will of the people as it was before.
2-Not to hate and punish the benefactors of Imam Ali and the Ahl al-Bayt in different areas.
3- The members of Ahl al-Bayt and Imam Ali should not be offended among the mosques and conferences.
… After handing over the Caliphate to Mavija; Imam Hasan and all his family members and relatives left Qofa and went to Medina.
Mawiya did not keep this promise but after a short time he ordered the ruler of Basra to exterminate all the benefactors of the Ahl al-Bayt. Thus, 30 of these people were martyred after being barbarically persecuted and tortured. This event reached the ears of Imam Hasani, who was deeply saddened by Mavija’s vile betrayal. After consulting with his friend, Abdullah, the son of Abazi, they decided that the two should go to Sham and confront the accursed Mavije, and ask him for explanations on the atrocities… Within a short time, they prepared and left to Sham…
Imam Hasan after staying in Sham for two days returned to Medina. Feeling very tired he was forced to stay in Mosul. This time he did not go to Saadi where he had been before, but to a man named Hasan, who has been shown to be a benefactor of the Ahl al-Bayt. Mavija, as soon as the Imam left Sham, put behind the spies with whom he could persuade Hasan to poison the Imam. This traitor, twice in a row threw poison at the Imam in the dish, but the third time, was dictated. Saad, who was the ruler of Mosul, upon learning of this betrayal executed Hasan for the betrayal he had committed. Although Imam Hasan drink the poison three times and it was impossible, he left Mosul for and reached Madinah. In Madinah where Marwan was, the first cousin and loyal of Mawiya, whom Mawiya had ordered and given instructions for poisoning the Imam. Marwan found a poor woman named Ansone, persuaded her with great promises, instructed her to go to the house of the Imam where by all means make for himself the Imam’s wife, named Jade-Asma, the daughter of Ash- athit, promising her that if she poisoned the Imam Yazid would take her and she would become queen. Thus, she, taking the poison with her, went to the house of the Imam where she found Asma (Jaden) alone. To this he said: “You are the most beautiful women of the earth, the whole world envies you, everyone nurtures a love for you as much as Yazid the son of Mavija who will be the king of the future, has a greed for you and you can become a queen. “I am very sorry that with these beauties you spend your life with a man who has many other women and is a man who spends all his time with forgiveness and has left you aside.” Jada, these polished words and these praises of Ansana and said: “What can I do, this is my destiny!”. Ansana answers and says: “You have your destiny in your hand!”. Xhadeja says: “How do I have it in my hand, I do not know that I have fate in my hand?” Then Ansana says: “If you want, throw this poison in the dish of this man so that he dies and you are then free to become a queen by taking Yazid!”. She took the poison by giving leaves that he would perform the action after a few days. Jadah throws a quantity of poison in the Imam’s honey and gives it to him, and then another quantity in fresh dates. The Imam understood this time and said: “What have I done to you who betrays me and why does not the wife’s duty to her husband?” . After a short illness with a cure, and after this betrayal, from this poison, the Imam removed the trust from all his wives and left the cooking of food only to his sister Zeynep.
… The accursed Ansana did not stay, but brought to Jada a very strong poison from Toz Elmazi… Jada’s night and in the first hours of sleep, enters the room of the Imam very slowly thinking that if he was dictated he would tell the Imam that i miss you, she could finish her crime, threw the poison in the water and went to her separate room.
Imam Hasan woke up with a great thirst and immediately took the pitcher and drank water. As soon as the water went into his stomach, he immediately felt some severe pain and at that moment he woke his sister from sleep, telling her what had happened to her. From the strong poison began to vomit blood.
Zejnepi was shocked by this sight and started crying. Zaynab reported Imam Husayn, who immediately appeared surprised and shocked, asked his brother what happened to him? How and by whom did you commit the crime? Imam Hasan told him the story, saying: “..It is not necessary to know, that our right is taken by God. Dear brother, sit down to hand over the trusts and orders! ” After handing over the wills and messages, he says: “You are seeing and realizing that I am leaving this life and my wish is that my grave be made next to our grandfather Hazrat Muhammad. If you encounter obstacles to the implementation of this wish, do not insist but bury me next to our grandmother, Fatima, the daughter of Assad, in the cemetery called Jan-metul Bijah .. All members of the Ahl al-Bayt, I leave you a trust I have also entrusted you to God! ” Subsequently, Imam Hasan called all the members of the Ahl al-Bayt and the ace blessed them all in turn, passed away.
This event took place in the Arab month, on the 19th of Safar in the year 50 of the Emigration, leaving all the Ahl al-Bayt in mourning and the benefactors parted from this life.
Hy Imam Husayn, according to the order of Imam Hasan, tried to bury him near the grave of the Prophet Muhammad, the same thing was opposed by the Prophet’s wife, Aisha and Marwan, so he was forced to bury him in the second place of the order, in the graves of Xhen-netul Bekijah.
Upon receiving the news that Ensana (Xhadeja) had committed the accursed inhuman act that he had charged him with, fearing lest his conspiracy should be revealed, Marwan immediately sent and abducted him and secretly escorted him to Sham to Mavija where she welcomed him and she reported to him how she had done the deed based on the promise they had given her that after committing that deed she would marry Yazid’s son.
Mavija, after a few days, called his son Yazid and told him the story and that to perform this deed Marwan had promised to marry Jaden (Ensanana). Yazid replies to his father: “How do you say that I should take this as my wife! When this managed to betray the nephew of the Prophet and one of the true Saints, who had the best characters he could not have and no one can have, will not one day come to betray me too? I, on my own account, burn this in the fire for her ugly deed !? ” Mavija replied: “You are right, but we can not leave this, because to secure our position we have to do some deeds, and then no one believes us and we can not achieve the goal. In the promise we have given, we will fulfill it ostensibly, by making a fake ceremony and on the other hand, we will erase it from the face of the earth! ” And so it happened. After a while, Jaden was handcuffed and thrown into a very bad stream, barbarically saying “here you become a good queen”.

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