Josef Weidenholzer Awarded the title “Doctor Honoris Causa” from Vlora University

In the premises of the University "Ismail Qemali" of Vlora this Friday was held the awarding ceremony of the title "Doctor Honoris Causa" Josef Weidenholzer, a man engaged in the transmission of special human values ​​and has held important political positions as MEPs and Deputy . President of the S&D faction in the EU Parliament.

The awarding of the title "Doctor Honoris Causa" by UV is motivated by the valuable contributions of Josef Weidenholzer in political, academic life and in many events of special historical and cultural importance organized in Vlora or in other cities of Albania, reflecting the kindness of a good friend to our country.

In all the speeches held in honor of the work and consideration that Weidenholzer has had towards our country, the valuable contribution of the MEP for Albania and Albanians stood out.

Welcoming speech of the Bektashi World Leader, His Holiness, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj.

"Dear organizers of this event! Dear my friend and Albanians friends of MEP Josef Weidenholzer! Thank you for the invitation to this event of high importance, not only for the academic world, but also for the religious, for all the dimensions of democracy, which have in essence human rights and freedoms. I have the special pleasure to congratulate for the fully deserved title "Doctor Honoris Causa" the former MEP of the European Parliament, Mr. Josef Weidenholzer, this high personality, the strong and unwavering shield of human rights and freedoms and in particular of the Bektashis, of Albania, of Macedonia, of all those believers around the world, whose rights are neglected, ignored, and in some cases the agendas of Parliamentarians and politicians doesn't take them into account. Congratulations, our dear friend, for all the causes raised, for all the rights protected, and for the promotion of all multidimensional freedoms, starting from the right to speech, press, religion, human rights , the fight against terrorism and violent radicalism, the promotion and regulation of the digital age, the promotion of the need for a comprehensive mechanism of democracy which includes trust, the rule of law and fundamental rights, the protection of the environment, the protection of the rights of vulnerable people, the right to education, etc. We are fortunate and honored that a high personality, the friend of Albanians and Albania, is awarded today with this high title, whose professional focus has always been Social Policies, welfare state theories, international comparison between welfare state systems , political theory and international comparative studies on political cultures, and assistance to the strata that have needed protection of rights he has meticulously served has fought for social justice and still maintains a strong public stance on issues of marginalization. During his important role as a member of the European Parliament, Mr. Weidenholzer has given importance, and has given priority, to our discussions and demands for the protection of religious rights, and the freedom to freely believe the Bektashi believers of Macedonia, Albania, has given us the right to raise our voice and unite for these sublime fundamental human rights, therefore on behalf of millions of Bektashi believers around the world, but also on my own behalf as the World Leader of the Bektashi I say THANK YOU! Thank you for opening the doors of the heart and soul, thank you for opening the doors of the institution of the European Parliament and for making our voice heard everywhere, thank you for the help you have always given to Albania and Albanians for messages, help and recommendations towards the bright path to UN. Words are few to thank this personality that Albania has been fortunate to have on its side in many issues that basically have democracy, rights and freedoms. To assure Mr. Josef that the fraternal doors of the Bektashi World Headquarters and all Bektashi believers will be hospitable and kind to a man who has shown with his heart that he is Albanian! Congratulations and once again for the fully deserved title and blessings of God to follow you personally and your family, honored ! God bless you all! Amin! ”