Journal Telegraf: Today, the 79th anniversary of the death of the former World Leader, Sali Niazi Dede, “Martyr of the Nation”

Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj: Sali Dedei was killed on November 28, 1941 after not signing the document of the fascist occupation of Albania. He is an excellent example of the Bektashi motto, “Without a Nation there is no religion!”

By Kujtim BORIÇI

Today, November 28, the day of commemoration of the declaration of Independence of Albania, for millions of Bektashis around the world, is a special day of dignity and pride, because on the same day, 79 years ago, the fascist invaders killed former -The Bektashi World President, Sali Niazi Dede, ‘Martyr of the Fatherland’, because he refused to sign the document of the fascist occupation of his country.

Traces of dignity and pride in history
The fascist invasion of Albania (April 7, 1939), immensely irritated the ordinary people and the Albanian patriots, who, unarmed and feeling betrayed by Ahmet Zogu who abandoned them and fled Albania, started the massive resistance that was formed by the armed revolt. This invasion was severely condemned by the Bektashi clerics, who in their eight-century tradition of this peaceful faith, have faithfully kept their motto “Without Nation there is no religion!”. On the pedestal of this resistance that was crowned with freedom in November 1944, the former Bektashi World Leader, Sali Niazi Dede, occupies a special place. History and witnesses speak and will speak of this Bektashi personality, as a clergyman and patriot. … It was November 28, 1941. The invaders put in front of Sali Niazi Dedei, the document of the invasion of Albania by Italy and, in the capacity of the World Leader of the Bektashis, asked him to sign this act, where the invasion was called ‘invitation by the Albanians themselves’ . It took them so long to use this fact as a ‘weighty justification’ in public to justify this invasion. But the cleric and patriot Sali Niazi Dedei refuses with indignation, saying: “This is an invasion and nothing else! I can not sign for the captivity of the Albanians, for the invasion of my country! as a clergyman and patriot. “The former Bektashi World Leader, Sali Niazi Dede, was and will forever remain the pride of Bektashism and a prominent patriot of the Albanian national cause. Bektashis and patriots are proud of the act of this patriotic cleric today on this 79th anniversary and onwards. He was a great example of the mission of Bektashi clerics who in many centuries of journey, belief in God and national cause, have always seen them closely linked and inseparable from each other. Therefore, today is a day of national pride, which we commemorate with our rites and maximum respect “- affirms, among others, the World Leader of the Bektashis, His Grace, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj.

The cleric and patriot Sali Niazi Dede
Sali Niazi Dede is the 32nd Bektashi World Leader in the list of Bektashi clerics who have headed the Bektashi Holy See at various times. This list starts with Haxhi Bektash Veliu who led this eight-century-old faith in the years 1282-1341 and goes to the current Leader of the Bektashi, Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj, who was elected to this post on 12 June 2011.
Sali Njazi Dede was born in 1876 in the village of Starje in Kolonjë, a well-known area of ​​this faith, where many Bektashi clerics have come from over the decades. From Cologne, he left with his family in emigration to Turkey, where he finished high school with excellent results. Before he turned 20, he was fortunate enough to start his religious studies at the tekke of Haxhi Bektash Veliu, thus fulfilling a wish of him and his family. Afterwards, he devoted himself to religion, always following and helping closely the Albanian national cause.
Referring to the documents of the time, it is concluded that Sali Niazi Dede, in addition to gaining extensive knowledge in the field of religion, is endowed with a broad culture in various fields, where he also embraces the keys of mystical knowledge. He became a scholar and connoisseur of the major works of the great mystics of the East such as Ghazaki, Fazali, Suhreverdi, Muhijdin Arabiu, Omar Ibn Faridhi, Ibn Sebini, Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumiu, etc.… Step by step Sali according to the canonical rules of Bektashis and entered spiritually into the Bektashi order. First, in 1897 he became a myhib and a dervish. Two years later, in 1899, in a special ceremony becomes Myxheret (did not marry). In 1901 he was promoted to ‘father’ and in 1913 to ‘grandfather’. The former Grandfather of the time, Fejzi Dede, sent him on a mission to Albania in 1908 to collect the necessary aid for the World Headquarters in Turkey. This mission, Sali Niazi Dedei successfully completed and returned to Haxhi Bektash. For his merits of working in these years of service as a clergyman, he entered to the World Supreme Clerical Council. In 15 years of a rich spiritual life, clergy as well as endless worship of the Creator, gave their results of his preparation, organizer, spiritual leader and helper in other parts of the world. Passing from this life of the former Bektashi World Leader, Haxhi Fejzi Dedei, in 1914, the High Parental Council appointed Sali Niazi to the high post of World Leader, the leader of this faith. The knowledge and dedication in the Way of Hak, made him gain the trust of many believers and be entrusted with important tasks. Thanks to the intellectual and religious level, the maximum devotion to the path of Hak, he soon became known in the clerical circle of Turkey, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Yugoslavia, Albania, etc. The assigned mission gave him a rich experience as a cleric, organizer and capable leader of the Bektashi World Headquarters.