Journalist Blendi Fevziu at the Bektashi World Headquarters

Today, the well-known journalist Blendi Fevziu, come for a  special visit to the Bektashi World Headquarters, the Holy See. He was received by the Bektashi World Leader, His Grace Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj.

From the beginning, the World Leader gave an exposition of the activities of the Bektashi Holy See, focusing especially on its historic mission to achieve religious brotherhood in Albania, the Balkans and beyond.

Further, the Grandfather introduced Mr. Fevzi with the premises of the Holy See, the Museum of Bektashism, the Library, the Archive and other departments in the Religious-Cultural Center.

The interest of journalist Fevziu was at the relations of the Holy See with state institutions and religious mechanisms in Albania and in the world, the Grandfather answered, among other things: “Since the World Bektashi Center is located in Tirana, we are aware of our historic mission . We try every day to have real fraternal both ,relations with all religious and state organizations in Albania and in the world. ”

On his part, Mr. Fevziu expressed his satisfaction with this warm reception and the attitudes of the His Grace, appreciating the work done and the Bektashi activity in every community.