Let us be united on this day of immortal remembrance!

Dear brothers and sisters, myhibans and believers of the Bektashi tekke of Father Rexheb, in Detroit-Michigan, United States of America!
Dear my brother, dervish Eliton Pashai!
Honorable Chairman of the Commission of the tekke, Mr. Ekrem Bardha!
Allow me, as the Bektashi World Leader, to thank you for your valuable contribution, in conveying the valuable lessons of Haxhi Bektash Veliu, among the brotherhood of Albanians!
Prophet Muhammad, a. s, our imams, our secular saints and father Rexheb, may always leave help and light in your spiritual journey!
A quarter of a century ago, on August 10, 1995, your myrshid and ours, father Rexhebi, left this temporary world to relax in the gardens of Paradise. I underline the fact “to relax in the Gardens of Paradise”, because his life and work itself was a long and tedious sacrifice, in the service of the Bektashi order and those who follow it. Equally pious, his life remains for our national identity.
In almost seven decades of its religious and national mission, the tekke erected by our father Rexhebi, became not only a place of worship of the doctrine of Haxhi Bektash Veliu, but also a warm hearth for all Albanians in America, regardless of the provinces or religions to which they belonged. It also spread Bektashi proverbial wisdom and brotherhood among other human and religious communities, initiating universal Muslim mercy at all times.
Of course, the lives of clerics such as Father Rexhebi, can not be seen detached from the brotherhood, devotion and love of the myhibans and lovers of the tekke. With your dedication, your spirit, your way of conveying the most impressive events of these decades, you have shown and continue to show that the Bektashi tariqat has remained an inspiration in the broader religious context of the United States of America.
You should proudly share this spirit.
Once again, respect to all of you who keep alive that precious memory of our saint, father Rexhebi! May his memory be eternal!
Respect for the dervish Eliton Pasha, who follows in the steps of his ancestors!
I embrace you all from afar, praying to God to save us  from this world cholera!
God bless you!

Bektashi World Leader,
His Grace,
Haxhi Dede Edmond Brahimaj